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"What?" I spoke up, gaining courage.

"El gato te comió la lengua? Cat got your tongue?" He laughed. "Tu no hablas ingles?"I sighed and shook my head. "Guess that answers my question."

"What do you want?" I hissed.

"What Isaiah owes me. Right, Issac?" He shouted. "And until I get what I want, we're gonna have some fun," he said, turning away from me. He grabbed the money bag Doll gave me and brought it into the camera's sight. "Your brother owes me $16k, Issac. $4k is right here. But I'm gonna need it soon." he threw the bag on the ground and turned back to me. He walked up to me and grabbed me by the throat, dragging his hand down to the top of my chest. "You have 45 minutes to get back to me, Issac." he paused for a second. "Send it," he said to Mia. She stopped recording and sent the video. "You better hope he cares and sees you're worth this," the man hissed in my face and pinched it.

The phone rang within 20 minutes, and the man stepped out to answer it. He came back in his face, full of anger. Mia started recording after he handed her the phone. He charged at me and backhanded me. My head snapped to the side, and I tasted blood in my mouth. He grabbed my face and snapped it back to look at hmm. I spit blood in his face. He flinched and backed away.

"Jesus Christ, Carlos!" Mia shouted. He rubbed it away with his shirt and looked at me, grinning. He snapped his finger and pointed at me. The other two men watching started making their way toward me. " Oh, shit," I mumbled to myself. One punched me in the stomach, causing me to lose my breath in pain. The other started unbuttoning my jeans and pulling them off. I kicked, squirmed, and screamed as much as possible, but he got them off. Carlos walked up to me and grabbed me by the throat.

"You're gonna pay for that," he snarled in my face. He let go, pulled out a cloth, and tied it around my head, putting it in my mouth. He started unbuckling his belt. I began to kick and let out screams, but the cloth muffled them. He yanked off his belt and turned around. I stared at his back, confused. He spun around quickly, cracking the belt against my thigh; I jumped in pain and screamed into the cloth. He hit me two more times. He hit me with the buckle part. I looked at Mia, who was still filming. I was out of breath and had tears in my eyes. Carlos walked over to me and pulled the cloth from my mouth. Without thinking, I shot my head forward, trying to headbutt him. He backed away as I missed. I looked at him, and he was pissed.

"Drop her," he growled. One guy walked over to a chain pulley and loosened it. I fell to the floor, my hands still chained together. Carlos walked over to me and kicked me in the stomach. I yelled in pain. "Get closer, Mia! I want them to see this," he screamed as he bent down, grabbing a handful of my hair and yanking my head up to look at him. Mia got closer, hesitantly. Carlos looked at me and grinned, then swung and punched me in the jaw. Then he backhanded me. Then he slammed my head down on the ground, and everything went black.

Chapter 22


I watched Delilah get in my truck and pull away. I sighed. I turned and faced Jay.

"So," I said, walking back to my chair and sitting. "Nomad, huh?" I asked. Jay nodded, leaning back in his chair and chewing on his thumbnail.

"Yeah, man. I think it's for the best, and there won't be as much tension in the club with us apart," Jay explained. He knows I'm still pissed about him and Delilah. I nodded.

"Alright. I'll call Isaiah and talk to him about I, t and we'll go from there," I explained. Jay stood up and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sorry, man," he groaned. I nodded, sucking my cheeks in. He turned and walked out of my office. I leaned onto my desk and rubbed my temple.

"Fuck!" I shouted, slamming my fist down. I took a deep breath and looked for paperwork to fill out and distract myself.

An hour and a half had passed when I looked down at my phone. I rubbed my eyes and leaned back in my chair. I heard a knock on the door and groaned. "Ugh, what?!"

"H-hey man, sorry to bother you, but uh," Devin stuttered.

"Devin, what?!" I shouted, slamming my fist down.

"Is your truck a midnight black, 2018 Toyota Tundra… uh, license plate 651-DJI?" He finally spits out, and I squinted at him in confusion.

"Y-yeah, why?"

"A description of that truck came through the scanner. It was found flipped over in a ditch by the four-way, with the passenger side smashed in. No one in it," he explained. For a second, I was confused, and then it hit me. I looked out the window and remembered I told Delilah to take it. I jumped up and ran into the garage, looking for Jay. Doll interrupted my search pulling in quickly. She jumped out of her SUV and ran to me.

"Issac! I just got this video emailed to the garage email," she said, handing me her phone. It was paused, and I realized what I was looking at. It was Delilah, hanging from a wall. I hesitantly pushed play. Carlos came into view.

"Fuck" I mumbled. He started demanding the money my brother owed him. He said I had 45 minutes to get back to him. I immediately called, not knowing what I was even supposed to say. I don't have that kind of cash right now. Isaiah does, but he's fucking gone.

"Tick, Tock," I heard as the phone picked up. "I thought you'd call right after seeing the video, not," he paused for a moment. "20 minutes later. You're keeping me waiting, Issac. I don't enjoy waiting. Especially when it comes to money that's owed to me."

"Carlos, she has nothing to do with any of this. She's not associated with the club. She just works here part-time-" Carlos cut me off.

"Issac, quit the bullshit. I already know who she is. Don't lie, now where's my 16 grand?" He demanded to know. I paused to think. "Where is your brother Issac?"

"Look, I'll get the 16k, but it's not going to be today… I'll call Isaiah and have him wire it to you. Please, just don't do anything. She doesn't know anything."

"Oh, I know. She's just a piece of this ordeal that will make the process quicker, and I'm not waiting, Issac. I want it now. Cash,"

I snapped, "I'll fucking kill you, Carlos. Watch me. If you hurt her, I'll go after your entire family."
