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"Okay, your name and the make and model of your car?" I asked.

"It's a BMW M3; it's pale blue," she added. I nodded and shuffled through the papers on the front desk. I eventually found her paperwork.

"2002?" I asked, just to confirm. She nodded. I scanned the paper for her name.

"Alright, Mia, just sign here. The total is at the bottom right here, and are you paying cash or credit?" I explained.

"Credit," she smiled as she slid her card and paperwork back to me. Finally, I ran her card through and collected the payment. Finally, I handed her a copy of the paperwork and her card.

"I'll go grab your keys. Give me a sec," I said, turning on my heels and heading towards Issac's office. Doll passed me headed towards the front desk.

"Where ya headed?" She asked, turning around and walking backward. I did the same and answered.

"Grabbing keys for the blue BMW," she rolled her nose and replied.

"I'll meet ya back here. " I nodded and continued on my way to Issac's office. I knocked and opened the door. He was on the phone, sitting at his desk. He glanced over at me and then back at his desk. I barely acknowledged him, grabbed the keys from the lockbox, and trotted back to the front office.

"Here ya go," I said, handing the keys to the girl. She smiled and grabbed them from me. She stood there for a second and fiddled with the keys.

"Are…. are you Delilah Hopkins?" She asked. I froze and stared at her, confused. Doll looked up from the papers she was looking at. I cleared my throat.

"Um yeah,"

"I thought you were. I used to bring my grandma into Susie's almost every week. It's a shame about what happened," she said. I sighed in relief and put my hands in the back pockets of my jeans.

"Oh yeah. It was rough. " I heard Doll clear her throat.

"We have another appointment coming up. Move your car and be on your way," she said demandingly. Mia looked at her in shock. "Please," Doll said with a smile. Mia nodded and waved goodbye as she walked out. When she opened the door, I could hear the rain hitting the ground. I turned around and looked at Doll. She was watching Mia walk to her car like she was stalking prey. "Mmm, weird"

Chapter 21

"Right," I agreed with Doll. We went back to filling out paperwork and filing it. So four o'clock rolled around, and it was still pouring down rain.

"Shit," Doll spat, looking at her watch.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I gotta get to the bank before 4:30, but I was supposed to pick up my grandson at four," she said, scrambling. "Fuck, Fuck,"

"I'll go to the bank for you," I offered. She looked at me in relief. She entered the office with a money bag and deposit slip.

"Please deposit this for me," she instructed. I nodded and smiled. I turned around and made my way to the garage. Doll quickly grabbed her things. I giggled and ran through the rain quickly to get to Isaac's office. I knew Jay was in there bullshitting with Issac. They act like nothing ever happened, which is a colossal relief. I knocked on the door.

"Yo," Issac's voice echoed. I opened the door and made eye contact with Jay.

"Can I borrow your car, Jay?" I asked. Jay nodded and threw me the keys, not even asking why. But Issac asked.

"Why do you need his car?"

"Aunt Doll forgot to pick up her grandson, so I'm running to the bank for her," I explained, showing him the money bag. He squinted and nodded, then looked out his office window.

"The rain is really coming down out there. You should take my truck if you're going all the way to town," Issac said, standing up, grabbing his key. He started the truck with the remote starter. I went to decline when I noticed the clock said 4:15. I nodded, trading keys. I waved goodbye and ran to the truck, hopping in. I put it in drive and pulled out of the garage parking lot and made my way to town.

I pulled up to a four-way stop, and a box van pulled up simultaneously. I flashed my lights, signaling they could go first, but they flashed theirs back, letting me go. I waved and made my way through. I noticed lights coming close quickly. I jerked the steering wheel, but it wasn't enough; they hit the truck's passenger side, pushing me into the ditch. I smashed my head off the window, shattering it. The pain flowed through my body. My vision became blurry when I saw a few shadows surrounding the truck.

I woke up in pain. I tried to move, but was unable. Once I fully regained consciousness, I noticed I was upright. My feet barely touch the ground, and my arms are above my head, chained together. "What the fuck? " I mumbled. I looked down, noticing I didn't have shoes or a jacket, just my jeans and tank top. I wiggled my arms a little to loosen the grip. But I just ended up pinching my wrists. I hissed in pain and whined as I took a breath. A doorknob wiggled and turned from somewhere in the dimmed room, revealing itself when it opened. Four figures walked in, coming slower to me. Three guys and one girl came out of the shadows. That one girl was Mia. She was holding a phone, recording a video. One man stepped toward me.

"Supposed to be you in that truck, Issac. But I think this is even better," the man pointed at me with a knife. "How's the throat, by the way? I forgot to ask," He said, smirking at the camera. The man turned towards me. "So I hear your name is Delilah, or as others like to call you, Del" I stared in shock, still unable to speak. He observed me up and down, taking notes on my body. As he came closer, I saw details. He looked to be in his 30's. He was dressed in all black loose fitted clothing. His hair was long, black and in a bun. His skin was tan and covered in ink. He held the knife under my chin. "El gato te comió la lengua?" He whispered in my ear. I shook my head.
