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"No, Issac, you listen! I was fucking attacked again! I was almost fucking kidnapped, and here's the best fucking part! I fucking killed someone, Issac. I fucking killed a person! I fucking jammed a knife into his neck and listened to him choke on his blood. I went through all that while you were doing what? Fixing' things? Getting your dick wet is fixing things?!" I shouted.

I had tears gathering in my eyes. I shook my head and pushed past Issac and Kat. I made my way into the clubhouse, looking for Jay. He was sitting at the pool table talking to the guys. I walked over to him and grabbed his hand. He looked up at me as I pulled him up and with me towards the stairs to the rooms.

"Delilah?" He whispered as we were walking up the stairs. I turned around with tears streaming down my face. He frowned and wiped the tears away. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into one of the rooms. He shut the door and turned towards me. "What happened?" He asked, walking towards me.

"Apparently, Kat and Issac haven't been able to keep their hands off each other. But here I sound like an ass because we're doing the same thing," I started explaining to Jay. I ran my hands through my hair and went off. "What is wrong with me, Jay?! Am I really this fucking jealous?! But also doing the same shit?! I fucking never ever thought I'd lose my virginity that way I did last night, but it happened!"

"Do you regret it?" Jay cut into my rant and looked at him, confused.


"Do you regret last night?" He asked again, taking a deep breath.

"I mean, no, not really," I answered, shaking my head. I went to say something again when I felt a hand on my cheek and another on the lower part of my back, pulling me in for a kiss. Jay's grip was tight. I kissed him back and placed my hand on the side of his face. Jay pushed me back towards the couch. He picked me up and spun me on the sofa, placing me on top of him.

He grabbed my ass and squeezed. I leaned back and pulled on his shirt, hinting at him to take it off. He got the hint and tossed his cut and shirt off. He pulled my jacket off and threw that, too. He left my tank top on. We went back in for the kiss. I placed my hands on his chest, and he slid one of his hands up my shirt under my bra, squeezing my breast. I let out a small moan in the middle of the kiss. Jay pulled away from the kiss and sucked on my neck. I ground against him. Then, suddenly, we heard the door open. We both froze and looked at the doorway.

Issac was standing there with looks that could kill. I quickly stood up off Jay's lap and adjusted myself. Jay did the same. The silence was broken as I heard footsteps rapidly approaching and the clash of a fist against flesh. Issac punched Jay in the face, making him stumble but not fall over. I looked at Issac, and he was giving me a death stare.

"What the fuck is this?!" Issac shouted, walking closer to me. I got scared but didn't show it as I spoke up.

"What? You're allowed to fuck around with bitches, but I'm not?" I asked. He gave me a confused, angry look. So he turned around to Jay.

"You slept with her?" Issac asked, pointing at me. Jay stood there, wiping the blood from his mouth.

"Look, man," Jay said, but Issac shouted.

"Did you or did you not fuck her?!"

"Yes! And it was me who instigated it!" I shouted. Issac turned his head back towards me.

"Get the fuck out, Jay," Issac hissed. Jay stood there for a second. "Now!" Issac hissed again. Jay shook his head, grabbed his shirt and cut, and walked out. I looked at Issac.

"Don't take your bullshit anger out on him, Issac. It wasn't him, and it was me," I explained. Issac glared at me. He shook his head and turned around.

"So what? You the club whore now?" Issac snarled.

"No! What the fuck?!" I shouted. Issac turned around to face me.

"Yeah! What the fuck Del?! What are you doing?! Are you even thinking?!" He shouted back at me. I glared at him.

"You know what? I'm done with this conversation. Go stick your dick in Kat and leave me the fuck alone," I yelled. I turned around and walked out into the bar area. Jay glanced over at me and stood up.

"You good?" He asked, walking up to me. I sighed.

"Just peachy," I answered. I heard footsteps approaching behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see Issac walking up to us on the phone. He hung up, walking past us.

"We got shit to do. Let's go, Jay," he said in an aggravated tone. Jay nodded and looked at me, giving me a small smile. He turned and walked into the garage behind Issac. I stood in the bar area alone in my thoughts, trying to figure out what the fuck I was doing with my life now.

One Month Later

It's been a few weeks since everything went down with Issac and Jay. Nothing more has been said or done about it. It seems everyone forgot or didn't want to bring it up. Either way, I'm glad it hasn't been brought up. I've been helping Aunt Doll around the garage, and we've become close. I'm still staying at Jay's; we haven't done anything since the argument. He and I also have become close. He's become basically my best friend. Issac and I are okay, you could say. We haven't said much to each other besides simple hellos, and how's it going? The war between the Ravens and the Havocs has settled, but who knows when something will spark up again?

"Excuse me?" A voice ripped me out of my thoughts. Doll and I were in the garage office sorting and filling out paperwork. I looked up and found the source of the voice. A young girl with dark brown eyes and long black hair. She was on the shorter side. I smiled at her.

"Hi, what can I help you with?" I asked in a professional tone.

"I'm here to pick up my car. I had my tires rotated and an oil change," she explained.
