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My moans grew louder, and so did his. He kissed my neck up to my lips. He grabbed my arms, making me unwrap them from around him. He slipped his hands into mine and helped them down. He thrust harder. I broke our kiss with a loud moan, and my back arched itself.

"Fuck! " I screamed as my body tingled. Jay smiled at me and kissed me again. He sat up and grabbed me by my ass, pulling me up and into him, pushing himself deeper into me. The feeling sent shivers down my spine. He inched himself off the bed and stood up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, keeping him in. He placed me on the edge of a dresser. He pulled out and grabbed me by the jaw and kissed me. Then he slammed himself into me, catching me off guard. I yelped as he went fast and hard. I felt my orgasm build up, and everything became more sensitive and intense. Jay slowed down.

"Are you on the pill?" He asked quickly and out of breath. I nodded my head, and he pounded into me again. Our moans clashed together, echoing throughout the room as we came together.


I woke up to the sunlight hitting me in the face. I went to move but couldn't. As my vision finally came to me, I noticed Jay and I were chest to chest. I was lying on him with my leg stretched over his. His right arm was wrapped around me. My face and hand were lying on his chest, and we were still naked under the sheets that only covered our lower half. I smiled and closed my eyes again. Jay's phone began ringing, and he groaned. He started knocking things over on his bedside table, trying to feel for them. He didn't let go of me or even opened his eyes. He felt the phone and picked it up and answered it.

"What?" He answered with an annoyed tone. He sighed and spoke again. "Fuck. Well, be there in an hour." he hung up and tossed his phone back onto the table. I felt him lean down to look at me. I looked back up at him and smiled. He smiled back. "Morning, beautiful," he said, squeezing me.

"Morning," I said, tracing the tattoos on his chest.

"Wanna shower with me?" He said with a grin. I chuckled and nodded, and we got out of bed. He went into the bathroom and turned to shower. I slowly got up, was in a bit of pain, and noticed blood on the sheets. He came back into the room and saw it.

"I'm sorry," I said, looking away from it and at him, embarrassed, my cheeks burning. He laughed and walked toward me. He kissed me on the cheek and looked at me.

"It's fine. I'll wash them," he said, grabbing my hand and bringing me into the bathroom. We showered quickly and got dressed. I can't stop thinking about last night I lost my virginity to someone I never thought I would lose it to. Someone who I barely know. As I dug through my bag, I grabbed my birth control and saw that I had missed three days. My heart dropped, and with everything going on, I had forgotten. Jay came in and noticed I was frozen in place. "Del? You okay?" He asked, walking up to me.

"I missed three days," I told him, showing him the package. He looked and shook his head.

"I'm sure it's fine. Just don't forget tonight's," he laughed. I gave him a short fake laugh as he walked away to finish getting dressed, and so did I. I was wearing a black low-cut lace tank top with a black leather jacket over it paired with skinny jeans and a pair of biker boots. Jay yelled to me. "You ready?"

"Yeah! I'm coming," I answered, walking out of his room. We got into his car and drove to the garage.

Jay parked his car, and we got out. I saw Issac standing outside of his office door. His Rover and Kat's car were parked in the garage, getting repaired from my outburst. Jay and I walked up to him. I slid my hands into my back pockets and didn't make eye contact with Issac.

"I heard what happened. I'm sorry they attacked you like that," Issac said as he grabbed my arm and squeezed it. I just nodded my head. Issac let go and sighed. "I found the guys who killed Susie and took them out, Delilah. They got what they deserved. I also talked to Mason and cleared things up about you, but you're still not safe yet. We still need to stay close to you," he explained. His touch made me warm and gave me butterflies. I felt regret about sleeping with Jay. Issac sighed.

"Can we talk?" Issac asked, pointing towards his office. I looked at Jay, and he nodded, turning around and walking into the clubhouse. I followed Issac into his office. He shut the door and unexpectedly hugged me tightly. I pulled away and leaned against his desk. He sighed again and shook his head.

"What do you want?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Look, I'm sorry about Kat. She and I have history, and she came onto me," he explained, but I cut him off.

"But you couldn't push her away? Tell her nah, I'm not interested?" I said in a tone. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"You're right. I'm sorry, Del," he said again, staring at me. I shook my head. All I could think about was how bad I felt about Jay and me.

"What is… this Issac? What are we doing here? We've only known each other for a month or so, and all this bullshit has already happened? You're stringing me along with your games because you want me close. For what? To fuck me? Keep me as a side piece? Like, what is this?!" I yelled, trying to get answers from him.

"Del I-" Issac started saying but was cut off by a knock on the door. Oh, would ya look at that? Kat.

"Oh, I didn't know you were occupied," Kat said, smiling, chewing a piece of gum obnoxiously.

"Not now, Kat," Issac spat. She smiled again and crossed her arms and leaned on her hip.

"I just wanted to thank you for the ride yesterday. I hope you enjoyed mine as much as I enjoyed yours," she said, winking at him. I stood there in shock.

"Kat!" Issac spat again, turning towards her.

Chapter 20

"Kat!" Issac yelled. I could feel the anger rise and the regret of fucking Jay going away. I stood up from leaning on the desk.

"Wow," I said with a laugh.

"Del, listen," Issac said, reaching for me. I swatted him away.
