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I had dried blood on my face. My neck was bruised from being choked. I sighed and grabbed towels and hung them up near the shower. The warm water ran down my body as I stepped in, and it was relaxing. I stood there for a few minutes, scrubbing the blood off. Then I realized I didn't grab clothes. Fuck. I sighed.

"Jay!" I shouted, hoping he heard me.

"Yo!" He shouted from the other side of the door.

"Could you grab me some clothes? I forgot to grab "

"Uh, sure, what am I grabbing?"

"A t-shirt, pajama shorts, and some panties,"

"Alright," he replied. I turned around and let the water run down my face. I pushed my hair back out of my face. Then I heard a knock on the door.

"I'm setting them down on the stand outside the door," Jay explained.

"You can bring them in," I said without thinking. My eyes grew wide from what I had just said. I can tell he hesitated before opening the door. He cleared his throat.

"They're right here," he said, setting them down. I peeked out, making eye contact with him. He was shirtless and in a pair of shorts.

"Thank you," I said with a smile. He nodded his head and turned around to walk out. "Jay," I said, making him turn around. Still peaking my head out of the shower, I smiled and took a deep breath. "How about that Jager bomb?" I said with a smile. Jay put his hand in his pockets and shook his head. He bit his lip and grinned at me.

"Sure thing." he then nodded and walked away. I laughed to myself and finished washing. After getting out of the shower, I got dressed. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Jay sitting on the couch with our drinks. I plopped down next to him and smiled. He handed me my drink.

"Thank you," I said, grabbing it. I looked at it for a second, then chugged it. The burn in my throat made me make a weird face. Jay looked at me, shocked.

"Jesus. Thirsty?" He laughed. I shook my head and giggled.

"You have no idea how bad I need this," I laughed. Jay snickered and got up. He came back with a bottle of whiskey and small glasses.

"Cheers," he said, pouring us drinks.

We sat talking for about an hour. I felt the booze kicking in, and I was ready to pass out; I think Jay could tell.

"So you're gonna sleep in my room. I don't want you uncomfortable on this old couch," he explained. I nodded with a giggle. I went to stand up but almost lost my balance. This is the most I've drank in a couple of months, so it's hitting me. Jay stood up and grabbed me by my waist. My back slammed against his chest. I felt my body begin to heat up.

"Let me help you into the room," Jay said, laughing. He helped me stumble to his bedroom and let go of me as we got to the bed. I was disappointed when he let go. He stood a little away from me and rubbed the back of his neck with one hand. "Goodnight," he said with a smile. I kept staring at him, wanting him to make a move. What am I doing right now? I thought to myself. Jay went to walk out when I spoke up.

"Wait… I don't want to be alone," I whispered. Jay turned and smiled. He walked towards the bed and plopped down. He laid back on the bed on his back. I did the same next to him.

"I'll hang here till you pass out, okay?" He said, putting his hands behind his head. I rolled over to look at him. I stared at the map of tattoos on his body. He was covered. Suddenly, I noticed my fingers were tracing over his skin. He flinched at my touch and was surprised.

He grabbed my hand and looked at me. I looked back at him, embarrassed. Jay stared at me for a few more seconds before he rolled over to face me. He touched my cheek and pushed his soft lips into mine. I kissed back and bit his lip. Our kiss became more intense. I pushed him over and sat on top of him without breaking the kiss. His hands gripped my hips tightly. I broke the kiss and started to kiss and nibble his neck. I sat up and grinned at him.

He smiled back at me. I looked down and traced over the tattoos on his lower abdomen. I got to a part that was in between my thighs. He let out a small groan after I felt him flinch. Before I could look back at him, he sat up and grabbed the back of my neck with one hand and my ass with the other, pulling me into him.

Chapter 19

Our lips crashed together, and Jay squeezed my ass hard. I wrapped my arms around his neck and ground against him. Our moans intertwined with each other. I leaned back and slipped my shirt off, exposing my body. Jay bit his bottom lip and pulled me back into him, making our bare bodies clash. Jay flipped and hovered over me, positioning himself between my thighs. I felt his bulge grow as he ground against me. He kissed and bit my neck down to my chest. He took my right nipple into his mouth, circling the sensitive peak with his tongue.

I arched my back, and he slipped his arm under the arch. His tongue danced around my nipple. I let out a small moan. Jay came back up to my face and kissed me softly. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and then grabbed my breast, squeezing it. I moaned between the kisses; I brought my hand down to the hem of his boxers and pushed them down. He snatched my wrist to stop me.

"Del, are you sure you want to do this?" He asked, looking into my eyes. I looked into his eyes and nodded my head. He let go of my wrist and sat on his knees, still between my thighs. He grabbed the top of my panties and pulled them down, throwing them to the floor. Then he slid off the end of the bed. I leaned up and looked at him. Confused, he grinned at me, grabbed the back of my calves, and yanked me to the end of the bed. I gasped as he pulled.

He knelt and licked my slit. I gripped the sheets. Then he pushed his tongue into me and began thrusting and sucking hard. My whole body started twitching. He stopped and stood up with a grin. He picked me up and pushed me back onto the bed. He took off his boxers and revealed himself. My cheeks burned bright red, and he rubbed up against my thighs as he crawled back in between them. He kissed my up body to my lips. I felt his tip brush lightly against my entrance, and I gasped. He hovered over my face, looking into my eyes.

"Ready?" He asked and stroked my cheek. I nodded, not being able to say anything. He positioned himself and slowly pushed in.

I felt pressure and burning as he went in farther. He pushed his face in the crook of my neck as he groaned, "Fuck" The deeper he went, the more pressure and burning, and my body twitched again. I took a deep breath in and let out a tiny moan. He started to pull and push himself back in slowly. The burning subsided, but the pressure remained. It felt amazing. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. He picked up the pace.
