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"Ah!" I screamed as he yanked me off the ground. He dragged me to the end of the alley that was dim. Then, in a parking lot, a van parked, and two guys leaned against it.

"Nice job, Matthew, '' one guy said as he opened the side door to the van. The guy dragging me let go of my hair and shoved me to the ground in front of the guys. I sat up, looking at them, tears still falling down my face. Then, suddenly, I was kicked in the stomach. I fell to the ground and groaned in pain. Then someone grabbed my hair again and pulled my head up to their face.

"That was for Nate, you stupid bitch," the guy hissed in my face. He pushed my head back down. "Load her in, '' he ordered. Before any of them could pick me up, gunshots rang through the air. The man trying to take me fired back in the direction the first shots came from.

"Let her go, Vin! You don't want to do this!" I heard a familiar voice yell. It was Jay.

"No can-do Jay- Jay. Dom's orders were to bring her to him and Mason!" 'Vin' shouted back.

"I'm giving you one last chance, man! I don't want to do this!" Jay shouted. Do what? I thought to myself.

"You're not gonna do shit," Vin yelled, laughing. It went quiet for a second. Then shots fired rapidly, bouncing off everything. I lay flat on the ground and covered my face.

"Get out of here! They have AKs!" Vin yelled. I heard them pile into the van and speed away. I stayed close to the ground, still covering my face. The gunfire faded. I still lay there, not moving. I heard running coming towards me.

"Delilah!" Jay shouted, sliding next to me, grabbing me. He pulled me up to my knees and grabbed my face. I had tears streaming down my face. "It's okay. I got you," he said, pulling me into a hug. General and Kevin stood behind him. I looked around for Issac. Jay pulled away and sighed. Still looking around and crying, I asked Jay.

"Where's Issac?" He sighed again.

"He's out-of-town meeting up with Mason and Dom. We called and told him what happened, and he won't be back until tomorrow night," Jay explained.

"Oh," I said, looking at my hands. They were covered in blood. I tried to wipe them off, but it was dry. Jay grabbed my hands and held them. "Did I kill him?" I asked, not even looking up. Jay paused.

"Yes, Del," he whispered. I cried even more.

"We need to head out before the cops show up, man," Kevin said, grabbing Jay's shoulder. Jay nodded and stood up, pulling me with him. We ran out of the parking lot back into the alley. We came to the end of a part of the alley where Jay's car and General's and Kevin's bikes were parked. Jay and I got in his car, and he sped off.

"Won't they know where your house is?" I asked Jay.

"Nah. They don't patrol that part of town cause it's our territory," he explained.

"Whose were we just in?" I asked him.

"No one. Yet" he said, clearing his throat. I nodded. I looked down at my hands. They were sticky and still stained red.

"I killed someone," I whispered. I looked up and took a deep breath. "I murdered a man."

"It was self-defense, Del," Jay said, trying to comfort me.

"Is that what the cops are gonna believe?" I quickly shot back at him.

"The cops aren't involved. They won't know," Jay explained. I got confused.

"How not? They will find the body," I said, looking at him.

"No, they won't," he said, giving me a short answer.

"What do you mean they won't?! Jay, I fucking-" Jay cut me off.

"Delilah! Chill the fuck out. We took care of it," he spat. I glanced over at him and then looked down and closed my eyes. The rest of the ride to his house was quiet.

We got to the house. He pulled into the garage and turned the car off. He looked over at me and grabbed my shoulder.

"It'll be okay. Nothing is going to happen," he said, giving me a little smile. "Let's get you cleaned up, and we'll "

"You still got the food?" I said, looking at him, kind of shocked.

"Of course I did," he said, laughing. I shook my head and laughed. We got out of the car and headed into the house, and he showed me where the bathroom was so I could shower. I nodded my head, thanking him. I shut the door and began stripping my clothes off. I turned the water on and, waiting for it to warm up, I glanced at the mirror.
