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"Ah, I get it," he said, retaking a sip. I looked at him, confused.

"Get what?" I asked. He set his drink down and crossed his arms.

"You've never done crazy sexy shit, have you?" He asked with a grin. I felt my cheeks heating. I looked away and took a deep breath.

"Dude. What the fuck?" I huffed, still looking away. He laughed and then sighed.

"He would be your first, huh?" He asked. I sat still and quiet. "Jesus, how was nobody trying to hook up with you?" He asked. I turned my head to the side.

"I turned them down because I didn't feel like they were the ones," I explained. Jay huffed.

"And what makes you think Issac is?" He asked. I laughed and turned to him. I looked at him and shook my head.

"I don't. I honestly don't care anymore, and I'm just doing me now, I guess. I moved out here to start a new life. Not repeat my old one," Jay smiled and nodded.

"Alright," he said. "Hey, what do ya say we go pick up some dinner for the guys? You can come with me but stay in the car. Here, throw this on and put the hood up," Jay said, handing me his hoodie. I smiled and put it on. It smelled like a rainforest. I put the hood up. "Go ask Issac what he wants and meet me by my car. I'll be standing next to it," Jay explained. I smiled and nodded my head. I walked out to the garage, looking for Issac. I didn't see him, so I asked one mechanic working on Kat's car.

"Hey, do you know where Issac is?" I asked. He smiled and pointed.

"He's in his office," he answered.

"Thank you," I smiled. I made my way over to his office door. I knocked and opened it. I stopped dead I'm my tracks. Kat was on Issac's desk in just her bra and panties. Issac was in-between her legs, his shirt off, and his hands were all over Kat. They were in a heated make-out session. Issac pulled away when he heard the door open. His eyes widened as soon as he noticed me standing there.

"Delilah," Issac said out of breath, pulling away from Kat. I felt my heart drop. I took a deep breath and closed the door. Tears gathered in my eyes. I ran my hands through my hair and looked around, and I saw a tire iron sitting on a toolbox. I picked it up and looked over at Issac's Rover. I made my way over to it and took another deep breath. I swung the iron and smashed his mirror off; then, I smashed the windshield. I screamed as the iron connected with the car. The mechanics and guys stared at me in shock. I made my way back into the garage and slammed the iron down onto Kat's windshield, shattering it.

"Delilah, what the fuck?!" I heard behind me as arms gripped me, pulling me away from the car. I swung my elbow back, connecting with something. "Fuck!" I heard Issac yell. I turned around, and his nose was pouring blood. He looked at me and wiped his nose. I looked around with tears gathering in my eyes. Jay ran into the garage and looked around in shock. I turned to Issac with anger boiling over.

"So that's figuring out a plan? That's the plan on how to find out or fix or do whatever the fuck you have to do for what happened to Susie? That's it? What the fuck Issac?! What are you doing here?! You're dragging me along like a little fucking toy on a string. I'm done… I'm going home," I screamed at him. I felt a hand around my arm.

"You can't. It's not safe," Issac said, whipping me around to face him. I yanked my arm out of his grip.

"I don't care," I said, walking away. Issac grabbed me again. "Fucking stop it! Obviously, you don't fucking care!" I yelled, pushing him.

"Delilah, fucking stop being a pain in the ass," Issac yelled, grabbing me again and flinging around.

"Issac! Chill, I'll bring her to my place. She'll be safe," Jay spoke up. "That will also give you two some space." I glared at Issac, and he ran his hand through his hair.

"Okay… okay," he sighed. Obviously, he didn't like the idea. I huffed and shook my head, walking away from him towards Jay. He led me to his car, which was a blacked-out Camaro. He opened the passenger door, and I got in. Before he shut it, Issac spoke up.

"Delilah… I'm sorry," he said with a saddened look. I just glared at him and then looked away. Jay got in and started the car. He pulled out of the garage parking lot and headed towards his place.

Chapter 17

Jay pulled into a driveway to a small but cozy-looking house. He hit a button on his car roof, which opened the garage. He pulled into the garage and turned the car off. He sighed.

"You're so lucky to be alive right now," he said, looking at me. I looked over at him, shocked. He shook his head. "If anyone else did that to Issac's car, he would've killed them. Then you hit him in the nose, probably breaking it."

"That was an accident," I cut in. He huffed and shook his head again.

"Del. You're fucking crazy. You've got some enormous balls for a chick," he said with a chuckle. I laughed a little. "Let's go in," he said, shaking my knee. We got out of his car, and he shut the garage. He unlocked a door that went from the garage into the house. It led into the kitchen. It was small, but like I thought. Cozy. I looked around; not much stuff was here, no pictures or personal items—just furniture and utilities.

"Not one for decorating?" I laughed, walking further into the house. I heard Jay laugh and then sigh.

"Ah, I'm still moving in. This was my dad's place. He died a couple of weeks ago," he explained. He was leaning against the counter with his hands in his pockets.

"Shit, I'm so sorry," I apologized, turning towards him.

"All good. I didn't know him. He left my mom and me when I was two. My mom was a drug-addicted prostitute and shit, so you can probably guess what happened and shit," he explained more. He looked towards the ground. "And this is what the old man left me… surprisingly."
