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"Who?" Jay asked, walking into Doll's office. "Ah, shit," he sighed. He walked back out, shaking his head. "One of the guys must've put her in the book for her car," Jay sighed, looking through a binder. Doll snatched the binder from him.

"Find out who so I can rip their tiny balls off. Now I have to go handle the tainted pussy," Doll said, slamming the binder down.

"Woah, I'll handle it," Jay said, stopping her in her tracks. He rubbed my shoulder and smiled at me. "I'll be back," he sighed. He walked out to the garage, and Doll returned to her office. I slowly tagged along. I leaned against the door frame, watching the computer monitor that had four cameras recording. Doll had her arms crossed and stared at the camera frame the girl was in. I cleared my throat.

"Who, who is she?" I asked hesitantly. Doll snickered. She sat down in her office chair and sighed.

"Kat. One of Issac's mistakes. After Issac and Destiny split, Kat weaseled her way into Issac's pants, causing a shit show between Destiny and Kat," Doll explained.

"Issac was with Destiny? I thought she was with Markus?" I was confused. Doll nodded.

"Mark and Destiny got together a few weeks after Issac and her split. So that caused even more tension in the club," Doll said, shaking her head. We watched the camera frame Kat was in. Jay came into the frame, and we noticed tension forming. It looked like Kat yelled; Jay tried calming her down. Then Issac came running into the frame. She ran over to him and hugged him; my heart dropped. I let out a small sigh. Doll looked up at me. "Don't worry about it, baby. She'll be gone once I get a hold of the bitch," she said with anger. I nodded and turned, and walked back into the club area. Jay came back in, sighing.

"Fucking crazy bitch," he sighed. Doll came out and stared at Jay.

"What'd she want?" She asked with a pissed look on her face. Jay ran his hand through his hair.

"Kevin scheduled her for a tune-up, apparently," he sighed. Doll laughed with anger.

"Fucking prospects!" She yelled. "Did Issac tell her to fuck off?"

"Uh, no… he's having Kevin and Devin work on her car. Said we need the money, I guess,'' Jay answered.

"Hah. Yup, sure. " Doll shook her head. She walked into her office and then yelled out. "She better not step foot in this clubhouse!"

"Yes, ma'am," Jay answered. He raised his eyebrows at me and huffed. "Shit gets crazy around here," he laughed. I chuckled. Jay and I turned when we heard the clubhouse door open. Issac came in with Kat. She was wearing a cropped tank top and short shorts with wedge heels. "Bro, your aunt is gonna lose her mind if she sees her in here," Jay whispered to Issac. Issac sighed and turned towards her.

"Go wait in my office. I'll be there in a few minutes to finish your paperwork," Issac instructed her. She smiled and twirled her hair.

"Kay, handsome," she said, turning and walking out. I stood there in shock. Handsome? Really….? Issac cleared his throat and walked over to me.

"How's Jay treating ya?" He asked, rubbing my arm. I stepped away a little, feeling jealous and hurt by what Kat had just said.

"Uh, he's cool. He's shown me around the club and upstairs," I said, pointing around. I awkwardly laughed, and he smiled.

"We have a plan to figure out what happened to Susie. We're gonna head out in a few. I'm gonna have Jay stay with you still. I need you to be safe," Issac explained. I just nodded my head and stared at the floor. Issac grabbed my arms and uncrossed them, pulling me into a hug. "It'll be okay, darling," he whispered. I pulled away from the hug and smiled.

"Okay," I nodded. Issac smiled and rubbed my cheek. He stepped away and walked out of the clubhouse into the garage.

"Cuteeee," Jay laughed from behind the bar. I shook my head and flipped him off. "Aye, don't be like that," he laughed. He patted a spot at the bar, looking for me to come over. I smiled and walked over to sit down. Jay set two glasses down and looked at me. "Whatcha drinking?" He asked with a grin. I shook my head and sighed.

"You got a Redbull?" I asked. He smiled and raised his eyebrows.

"Jager bomb kinda girl, I see," he chuckled. I laughed and shook my head.

"No, no, not today. Just a Redbull," I laughed. He nodded and grabbed one and opened it for me. He poured himself a glass of whiskey and leaned into the bar.

"So you and Issac, huh?" He grinned. I shook my head and sighed. "I figured there was a reason he has me watching you."

"Yeah… I have no idea what's going on. I'm angry with him because of all this, but it's my fault for letting myself get involved, ya know?" I explained. Jay stared at me and then took a sip of his whiskey.

"It's a strange life to come into," he explained. I huffed and looked at him.

"Yeah, but I don't know anyone here. I just said fuck it and jumped into this shit, thinking I was some type of badass," I explained. Jay chuckled.

"Hey. You got shot and lived, that's pretty badass," he smiled at me, and I smiled back. "Don't jump right in if you're not comfortable. Take your time. Issac looks at you; differently; he's interested," Jay explained. "But are you?" He questioned. I sat still for a minute and thought.

"I-I don't know… I barely know him and watched him kill someone," I explained, not making eye contact with Jay. "His charm pulled me right in. He gives me these feelings I've never felt before with anyone," I explained. Jay grinned and stood up.
