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"Hey, how's shit going down here?" I asked, looking around.

"Same shit. We're being more aware of our surroundings, but nothing we won't be able to handle," he said, nudging my elbow. I laughed and nodded my head.

"I need you to do me a favor," I explained to Jay. " I need you to stick close to Delilah, don't let her outta your sight. Protect her while I go deal with the Havoc bullshit."

"Yeah. No problem man," he nodded. I sighed.

"Alright, she's a handful right now, so… be prepared," I said, raising my eyebrows and turning around to open her door. Jay followed me as I walked to her door. She was looking down, completely ignoring our existence. I grabbed the handle and opened the door. "Come on; you're gonna hang with Jay until I can figure out how to keep you safe," I explained to her. She tilted her head and glared at me.

"No," she said in a low, defeated voice. She looked back down at her hands. I shook my head and sighed.

"Delilah. You don't have a choice right now. Get out of the car and go into the clubhouse with Jay now!" I shouted, and she once again glared at me.

"No," I looked at her with my eyebrows raised. "What are you gonna do? Yank me out and drag me in?" She laughed. I laughed for a second, then grabbed her quickly, throwing her over my shoulder.

"What the fuck!" She screamed and wiggled. I carried her through the garage and placed her in front of the club door, and Jay was right behind me. I opened the door and nudged her in.

"Look, be pissed or hate me. I don't care; I'm just trying to protect you until we can fix this. Stay with Jay. He will protect you. I only trust him to protect someone," I explained to her. She looked at me and nodded. A few tears streamed down her face. "It'll be okay, Del; I will figure this out," I reassured her. I turned around and walked out to the garage to meet the guys. It's time to figure the Havocs shit out.


I sat down at a table and looked around, laying my eyes on Jay. He was tall, his eyes were a bright blue, and his hair was curly but gelled back. He had tattoos everywhere, just like Issac. Jay's tattoo on his neck went behind his ears and under his chin. His ears were pierced, and I noticed his nails were a shade of black nail polish. He had on rings and chains. He looked at me and smiled a little.

"You want a tour of this place? It's not the nicest place, but it's not a shit hole," he said, pointing around. I laughed and stood up. I wiped a few tears away and nodded.

"Sure," I smiled. Jay nodded and grabbed my hand and dragged me around.

"So, obviously, this is the bar club area. Nothing much goes on here. Just drunk dumbasses and a chick's hang out," he explained. He dragged me over to a door, where he cracked it open. "Here is our meeting table, where all the guys sit and talk about shit." he closed the door quickly. "Now up here are where the three bedrooms are. Issac has the biggest one because he lives here. The other two are just for anyone who's too drunk to go home or wanna hook up quick," he laughed. I shook my head, laughing.

"Oh, okay." still shaking my head, I heard a door open and close. A tall, skinny blonde girl came into the club area. Half of her arm was covered in little tattoos, puzzled together. She had a tiny tank top and low-cut jeans with heeled ankle boots. After looking around, she laid her eyes on Jay and me. She snickered and shook her head, walking over to us. Jay sighed.

"Great," he shook his head.

"This is a new toy you and the guys are trying out?" she laughed and pointed at me. I raised my eyebrows in shock. What the fuck? I thought to myself. Before I could say anything, Jay spoke up.

"Uh, nope, she's Issac's new friend, so I'd watch what you say, Dest," he warned. She shook her head.

"Wow. So this is the 19-year-old bitch," she spat. I heard someone clear their throat. I looked behind Dest. An older woman in her 40's was standing behind her. She stood tall and with excellent posture. Her hair was a dark blonde. She had on all black, and she also had a tattoo stretched crossed her chest.

"Do you know what it feels like to have a six-inch heel up to your ass?" she asked Dest; Dest turned around, crossed her arms, and leaned, sticking a hip out.

"No," she said with an attitude. The woman walked up to her.

"You're gonna find out if you keep running your mouth. Get out, go do your job or blow someone," the woman said, walking around her and towards Jay and me. Dest stormed out of the club.

"That would be Aunt Doll," Jay whispered to me. Aunt Doll walked up to me and stuck her hand out.

"Hi darling, Aunt Doll. It's nice to meet ya formally," she said, smiling. I smiled and shook her hand.

"Hi," I said, still smiling. She looked over at Jay and winked.

"So I'm guessing Issac had you show Del around?" She asked Jay. He rubbed the back of his neck and put one hand in his pocket.

"You could say that," he answered. She tilted her head back and nodded like she already knew something. She walked behind the bar and into a little room that said 'Dollhouse' Jay pointed to it. "An that's Doll's office. Issac's is out in the garage… and Destiny's is at the front gate… so try to avoid that," he explained with a chuckle. I giggled and nodded my head. Jay and I heard a slam coming from Doll's office.

"What the fuck is she doing here?!" Doll yelled.

Chapter 16
