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"The thrift store was robbed; Susie was shot," Issac said, keeping eye contact with me. I felt my heart drop. Tears formed in my eyes. "She didn't make it, Delilah."

"W-what?" I said, crying.

"I'm so sorry, Delilah. But we have to go so we can deal with it."

"What do you mean "deal with it?" " I cried.

"The Havocs know you're alive. They're looking for you."

Chapter 15


Delilah hasn't said anything since we left her house. She just stared out of the window. We're an hour away from being back in town. I'm still trying to process what Jay told me yesterday. The Havocs went to the thrift store looking for Delilah and found Susie instead. They must have someone watching Delilah.

"It's my fault she's dead," I heard Delilah whisper, followed by a sniffle. I sighed and shook my head.

"No, it's not. You didn't know any of this was going to happen," I said back to her.

"Did you?" She asked, looking over at me. "I'd wonder why you wanted to bring me to my parents? To get me out of town while my friend was robbed and killed?" She shot back at me.

"I didn't know they would retaliate this quickly," I said, shaking my head. I gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"So you knew this would happen?"

"I didn't know they would go after your boss, Delilah. I thought they were just gonna chill until they noticed I got back," I answered her with anger in my tone.

"Pull over," she demanded. I looked over at her, confused.

"What?" I asked her.

"Pull the fuck over and let me out," she demanded again. Is she insane?!

"Are you fucking insane?! The Havocs are looking for you, Delilah."

"I don't give a shit. I don't even know who the fuck you're talking about. Just pull over and let me out now!"

"They're the gang who accidentally shot you. Now they think you're a loose end."

"Just like your buddy, Markus thought?" She snapped back. She glared at me. "Let me the fuck out now, Issac."

"No," I hissed. I saw her reach for the door handle and pull it open; she unbuckled her seat belt. I slammed on the brakes and grabbed her arm. I quickly pulled over. "What the fuck, Delilah?!" I shouted, pulling her back into the car.

"Don't fucking touch me!" She yelled, yanking her arm out of my grip getting out. Fuck, I thought to myself. I got out and hurried over to her.

"Delilah, stop!" I demanded, cutting her off.

"What the fuck is this shit, Issac? Who are you? What is all this shit? What happened back at my parents? Did you just want to get your dick wet? Why the fuck contact me after everything? Huh? Are you trying to fuck and then ditch me? Am I just some whore to you?" She shouted at me. I couldn't process everything she said to me with everything else going on in my head.

"Just get back in the fucking car, please," I asked and went to grab her elbow.

"Don't!" she screamed and smacked me hard in the face. I backed away and tasted blood. She got a good swing on me. I wiped the blood off my lips and glared at her.

"Get in the car now. Or I'm gonna call one of my guys to handle you and your childish bullshit," I spat at her. The anger in her face turned to sadness, and tears started streaming down her face. She walked past me and got into the car. I didn't mean to call her childish. I just needed her to get back into the car. So I jumped in and pulled back into the road, heading back to the garage.

I pulled into the garage and parked the car, and Jay jogged over as I got out.

"Hey, man," Jay said, giving me a quick handshake and a hug.
