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My grip around his neck tightened as he began to stroke faster. I let out a small moan. Issac suddenly stopped, and I looked at him, confused. He smiled at me and then plunged his finger inside me. My body flinched a little, and I was taken aback. I've been fingered and teased before, but this feels very different. He moved his hand slowly, twisting his wrist, taunting me every second. He didn't stop grinning at me. I smiled at him and went to lean in for another kiss.

"Delilah?" I heard a voice say as a twig snapped. Issac and I froze. I watched Issac look up to see who it was. Issac sighed and sat up out of my grip, kneeling between my legs and oddly leaving his finger in me.

"Ryan," Issac said, nodding his head. You've got to be kidding me. I quickly sat up, causing Issac to pull his hand away. He was still in between my legs. He grabbed the sides of my thighs and rested his hands there.

"So what's up, man?" Issac asked Ryan with a grin.

"Delilah… What are you doing? Why him?" Ryan begged me to answer. I didn't answer. I just looked at Issac. He grabbed my panties and handed them to me; he stood up and walked over to our clothes hanging. I turned my head a little and saw Ryan staring at me. This is awkward.

"You wanna let her get dressed, or are you just gonna creep on her?" I heard Issac say sarcastically. Ryan put his hands on his neck and turned around. I stood up and slid my panties on. I walked over to my clothes. My hoodie was still soaked. Great. Issac looked at me and gave me his t-shirt. I smiled while taking it. Issac got dressed except for a shirt because I had it. I looked around for Roan but didn't see him, so I whistled and waited for him to return to me. As I waited, I looked over at Ryan and sighed.

"How did you find me here?" I asked Ryan. He turned around and faced me.

"I heard your mom tell Issac where you were, so I followed," he said, looking over at Issac. Issac snickered and put a cigarette between his lips. He tried lighting his lighter again, but it still didn't light. Issac took the cigarette out of his mouth and eyed Ryan.

"So, did you like the show?" Issac said, chuckling.

"Tsk, you're not gonna get anywhere with her, man. So good luck," Ryan replied to Issac.

"Don't need luck when I got looks," Issac shot back with a smile. I laughed and noticed Roan trotting over to me. My boots were still soaked, and I couldn't slide them on.

"I'll take um," Issac said, grabbing them out of my hands. Ryan stared at us with anger.

"So what is this, Del?" Ryan asked, as I jumped onto Roan's back.

"It's not your concern, Ryan," I answered, adjusting myself on Roan.

"Delilah… he's like 30 and looks like he's killed people '' Ryan argued. Issac laughed.

"28, and you never know. Anyone can kill someone," Issac grinned. He walked by Ryan and nudged him with his shoulder. "Later, cowboy," he said, walking out onto another trail. I stared at Ryan for a second, then followed Issac's path.

"You're fucking joking, right?" Ryan snarled as Roan and I went by. I ignored him. I heard sobbing. "I still fucking love you, Delilah!" Ryan screamed. I stopped Roan and turned my head to the side.

"And I loved you," I said with tears in my eyes. Roan started walking towards the field, leading back to my house. My sobs got louder.


I took a more extended trail home. I needed some time to clear my head. It was almost dark by the time I got back to the house. I jumped off Roan and led him to the barn. I fed, watered, and brushed him. I closed the stall door, walked out of the barn, and towards the house. I still don't have shoes on, and my pants are damp. I have dirt in places that I really don't want dirt in. I walked up to the porch and saw Issac sitting in one of the chairs. He's still in his clothes from the pond except for his shirt, because I totally took off with it. He was chewing on a toothpick and leaned back in the chair. I walked up the stairs.

"Hey," I quietly said, plopping down into a chair next to him. He looked over at me and grinned.

"How was your ride?" He asked, clearing his throat and leaning onto the arm of the chair closest to me.

"Oh ya know, interesting," I chuckled. I could feel the heat in my cheeks. Issac laughed and cleared his throat again. When he was about to say something, the porch light turned on, and my mom popped her head out.

"Y'all hungry? Dinner will be ready in about 45 minutes," she smiled. Issac and I nodded.

"Thanks, ma," I smiled. She closed the door, and I looked over at Issac.

"I need to take a shower. I've got dirt in my ass," Issac said, looking at the floor. I laughed.

"Same. We can use the shower in my bathroom," I said, smiling. Then I froze, thinking about how I worded that sentence. I peeked over at Issac, and he had the biggest grin. "That's not what I meant at all," I said, feeling my face heat.

Just as he was about to say something, a phone rang. He dug through his pockets and pulled out a flip phone. I looked at him, confused. The smile on his face went away. He answered.

"Yeah?" He said into the phone. His face went from normal to saddened. He turned and looked at me with a frown. "Alright. We'll be headed back now," he said into the phone again. Head back? We just got here? He hung up the phone, stood up, and walked over to me.

"We're leaving? We just got here, and-" before I could finish, Issac grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the chair. He looked at me with sadness. "Issac?"
