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"Now I'm going crazy about what's happened in the past month and a half. I'm traveling alone with a guy I barely know that also blew a dude's brain out right in front of me, and I don't know if I should thank him or be terrified or, I don't even know," I went on saying. "And now I'm kind of attracted to him trying to ignore it because I know it's fucking wrong," I yelled. I could feel Issac glaring at me. I felt him put his hand on my cheek, turning my face towards him. He didn't say anything; he just stared and planted his lips on mine. The kiss was gentle. I kissed him back and then quickly stopped. I stood up and turned around. Issac stood up behind me.

"Del, I'm sorry… I don't know why I did that," he apologized. I thought for a second and noticed it had warmed up a bit out here. I grinned and turned around. He looked at me, confused. I smiled and took a few steps toward him, pushing him into the pond. He fell backward, creating a big splash. He resurfaced and ran his hands through his hair.

"Jesus fuck, it's cold," he shouted. He looked at me with a slightly pissed face.

"Oops," I giggled. He laughed for a second, then darted out of the water towards me. I yelped and ran. "Issac! No! Don't you fucking dare," I yelled, laughing, trying to get away. He caught up, wrapped his arms around me, and picked me up. I started kicking and wiggling. I couldn't stop laughing. He started rushing towards the water and then plunging in with me in his arms. He was right. The water is fucking freezing. We both came up gasping for air, whipping the water and our hair out of our faces. "Asshole!" I yelled, splashing Issac. I laughed.

"Oops," he snickered. I widened my eyes at him and huffed.

"Wow," I laughed. "Using my own line against me, I see how you play Mr. Raven."

"Ooh, say that again," he smirked, swimming towards me. I splashed him and kicked him away. "Alright, alright," he surrendered. We floated for a second, staring at each other. Issac cleared his throat. "So, not tryin to be in your shit, but why haven't you fucked anyone yet?" He asked.

I sighed and turned and swam towards the bank. He soon followed. I crawled and plopped onto the bank. My clothes were soaked and uncomfortable. He giggled, getting out of the water and seeing me trying to adjust myself. He started to undress.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. What are you doing?" I quickly asked, looking away from him.

"Calm down, I'm gonna hang my clothes' n' shit over this branch," he said in just his boxers, throwing his clothes over the branch. He laughed for a second. I laughed.

"Oh," I thought for a minute. Should I take my clothes off and let them dry? Fuck it. I stood up and stripped my clothes off. Issac starred. He had a smirk when I glanced over at him. I turned around and held my clothes close to my chest, trying not to expose myself. I'm not worried about being naked anymore. I'm just insecure about how I look. Issac looked away and dug into his jeans. "Lose something?" I asked. He pulled out a cigarette pack and opened them.

"Ah fuckkk," he sighed. He started looking through the pack. "Ah hah!" He yelled while pulling out a cigarette. He grinned at me, holding it up. He dug in his jeans for something else. He pulled out a lighter and tried to light it, but it wouldn't spark. "Motherfucker," he said, pulling the cigarette out of his mouth with a defeated look.

"You good?" I laughed, looking over the branch at him. He glanced at me. I started hanging my clothes under the branch. He put his cigarette and broken lighter back into his jeans.

"I will be once you answer my question," he said. I sighed and looked around for Roan; he was still grazing. I groaned and looked back at Issac.

"Really?" I huffed, tilting my head and glaring at him. He smirked.

"Yup," he said, letting out a chuckle. I looked down and fiddled with the clothes I was standing close to so my body wasn't as exposed. I sighed and refused to make eye contact with Issac. I cleared my throat.

"I uh…. grew up religious. Around 13 or 14, my parents changed their religion to atheism. So there was that, and then I was bullied in school for, you know, being the horse girl, and my body matured faster than other girls, so I had this one guy ask me out, and it was like two, three weeks in the relationship, I think? I don't know whatever. But anyway, we were in a make-out sesh, and shit was getting intense, and we started to take each other's clothes off, and when I was fully naked. He took a picture of me and sent it to all his friends. Then he took all my clothes and left. We didn't do anything but do you know how awkward it was to find a way home in a bedsheet at 13? Then having to face my parents? Shit, don't even mention school cause that was out of the question. I've never fucked anyone because I was made fun of for being 'thicker' than other girls. So many people have seen me naked and bullied me about it. That makes me scared or nervous about having someone think I look bad. I don't know why I'm even telling you this. You haven't told me anything about yourself," I explained. It was kind of relieving to let everything out. I took a deep breath and looked over at Issac; he was staring at me.

"I'm sorry," he said, looking at me. Tears started streaming down my face. He walked around the branch of drying clothes and stood in front of me. My instant reaction was to cover myself.

"What the fuck?" I said, turning to my side.

Issac reached out and hovered his hand over the small of my back, giving me shivers.

"Come here," he said, still hovering his pointer over my back. I turned my head and looked at him. I nodded, and he placed his hand on me and pulled me close to his ink-covered body. He was warm and gentle. His arms wrapped around me and held me. My face rested against his collarbone. One of his hands started to make its way to my face. He grabbed my chin and tilted my face up to look at him. He cupped my jaw and cheek in his hand and leaned down, placing his lips on mine. He gripped me tight with his other hand.

The kiss got a little more intense by the second. Soon, our tongues were gliding over each other. Issac pulled away and began kissing down my jaw and neck. I let out a tiny moan. He moved one hand into my hair and the other on my hip. I opened my eyes and looked at the water again. He looked at me as I pulled away from his kisses. I smiled, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him quickly. Before he could kiss me back, I pushed away and started towards the water, laughing. Issac laughed and promptly chased after. Then, just as I reached the water and my feet began splashing in, I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me up.

"Oh, fuck!" I laughed, then flew into the water, still in his grip. He pulled me up to his face, causing me to wrap my legs around his waist. He grabbed my thighs and held me there. We were nose to nose. He leaned in and planted his lips on mine again. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt him walk back to shore. Once out of the water, he crashed to his knees, laying me on the ground without breaking the kiss. He placed one hand above my head and the other on my hip; he was positioned between my legs. He started kissing my neck, and his hand on my hip grabbed the top of my panties, hugging my hip and making me jump and gasp. Issac stopped and looked at me.

"I'm sorry," he said, pulling his hand away. He was about to stand up when I grabbed him and pulled him back to me, kissing him hard. He put his hand back on my panties. I felt him smile through the kiss. I pulled away for a second and looked into his eyes.

"Don't stop," I begged him.

Chapter 14

"Don't stop," I begged Issac. He looked at me, confused.

"I won't unless you ask me," he said, touching my face gently. I nodded, giving him a grin. I leaned back in for a kiss. Issac started pulling my panties down and feeling his touch made me gasp. Issac sat up, pulling my panties off. He looked between my thighs and then back at my face. I got shy and covered my face with my hands. I heard Issac chuckle. "Don't cover your face, babe," he said, leaning back between my thighs. I could feel his hardness against my thigh; Issac grabbed my hands and pulled them away from my face. I looked at him. His wet hair was dangling on his face; his tattoos were covered in tiny water droplets. I could see the scar on his neck clearer now. "I'm gonna go slow," he whispered in my ear.

"Okay," I whispered back. Issac smiled and slammed his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, grabbing some of his hair. He let a little moan slip. One of his hands ran down my body and stopped on the backside of my thigh. He tugged on it, making me bend my knees and spread my legs a little more. My heart started pumping faster. This was slow?! I thought to myself. I just know I'm tired of waiting. I'm tired of stopping myself from having fun.

It's time I felt something. Issac ran his hand to the inside of my thigh. I let out a little moan. He moved his kiss to my neck and began nibbling and kissing. His hand made its way up to my sensitive area. He gently grazed it, making me jump. Issac chuckled. He leaned up from my neck and looked at me. He had an evil grin. Oh no. I felt one of his fingers slip into my slit and rub my clit. I arched my back, pressing my body against Issac.
