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"Del, you have dirt and some dust and a bit of hair on your ass," he pointed out. I reached behind and felt my ass and sighed, rolling my eyes. This is a cute look.

"Thanks, Issac," I said, turning towards him. He was leaning against the porch beam attached to the stair railing. I heard Ryan get off Buckley. I crossed my arms and turned my head towards him. They walked up to me.

"Can we please talk?" Ryan begged again. I rolled my eyes and looked down.

"Sure, I guess," I answered, sitting down on the stairs. He sat beside me, holding Buckley's reins but giving him enough length to graze. I heard Issac, and my mom retreat. I heard Issac ask about this, and my mom said she'd catch him up. "Really, mom?" They were already gone when I turned. I turned and looked out to Roan, who was still grazing.

"I've missed you," Ryan groaned.

"Hah, I'm sure you did," I laughed.

"Delilah, I'm serious."

"That's good," I said, looking at Buckley. I noticed the saddle pad he had on.

"Tsk, I see you're still using the saddle pad she gave you. I'm assuming that means you n' her are still talking," I assumed. Ryan sighed.

"Yeah… we actually started seeing each other," he mumbled. Tears gathered in my eyes. I looked up, so they didn't flow down my face.

"Of course you guys have," I said with a shaky voice. Roan must've heard the pain in my voice because he walked over to me and started nudging my shoulder with his nose. I leaned my head on his nose and began petting him.

"You left, Delilah. I was lonely, and so was she. We were both upset you left. We realized what we did was a huge mistake," Ryan said.

"It was a mistake, yet y'all kept fucking and made a relationship out of it."

"It wasn't supposed to turn into anything."

"But I did! You fucked her because I wasn't ready! How fucked up is that, Ryan?" I snapped.

"I waited so long, Del… I knew you weren't going to be ready anytime soon," Ryan sighed. I immediately stopped petting Roan and smacked Ryan. "Fuck" he shouted. I stood up quickly, pushing Roan back.

"Leave. Now" I demanded. Ryan stood up and held his cheek.

"Delilah, please," he begged. I grabbed Roan's mane and jumped on. I didn't even bother grabbing his bridle. I just need to get away from Ryan. "Please, Delilah. I'm sorry!" Ryan yelled.

"Fuck, your sorry," I spat. I nudged Roan's sides, and we cantered away. We started heading towards where I always go when I just need time for myself. Only my parents know where it is.

We finally got to the spot. It's a large pond with a river flowing out and a small waterfall crashing into it. I slid off Roan's back, and he started walking towards the pond and walked into it. He plopped down and rolled into the shallows. I smiled. He stood up and shook the water off. He made his way to some grass and began grazing. I walked to the pond's edge and sat down, putting my knees to my chest. I rested my chin on my hands, which were gripping my knees. I started to cry. So many thoughts were running through my head.

"Hey," a familiar voice sounded behind me, startling me. I quickly got up, turning around.

Chapter 13

"Fuck Issac! You scared the shit out of me!" I shouted. "How did you find me here? How didn't I hear you?!"

"Your mom told me where to go and let me borrow one of the farm vehicles. I parked it away, so I didn't scare him," he said, pointing to Roan. I sighed and rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"He wouldn't have gotten scared," I said, looking at Roan. "She shouldn't have told you about this place."

"Sorry. We just wanted to check if you were alright," Issac said, taking a few steps closer to me. "Are you?" He asked.

"Ah hah, not really, but it doesn't matter," I said with tears in my eyes. I turned around and faced the pond, looking at the falls. I heard Issac get closer. He was standing next to me and then sat down. I looked down at him.

"Sit," he said, nodding his head to the ground. I plopped down next to him. "Guessing Ryan is the ex?" I glared at him. "What happened?"

"Tsk. You really wanna know? He went and fucked my best friend because I wasn't ready to open my legs to him yet," I snapped. I threw a stone in the water. "So after I found out, I couldn't handle being here anymore. That's why I dropped everything and moved away. Moving put me in debt big time. Susie tries to help me out by giving me a little extra in my checks, but she's struggling too. I don't have enough money to survive now because I let what they did chase me away," I cried, turning to Issac. He had a frown on his face.

"Shit. I'm sorry," Issac said, rubbing my back. "Come here," he said, pulling me next to him.
