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"Lunch? What time is it?" I asked, looking around. He put his hands in his jeans pockets and sighed.

"It's three o'clock. We should be leaving," he suggested. "We're halfway there. We can do a straight shot from here." I could hear the disappointment in his voice. I knew it was about last night. I just know it.

"Okay," I agreed. I walked over, grabbed a hoodie and yoga pants, and went to the bathroom. I shut the door and leaned against it.

"I'll put everything in the rover," Issac said by the door.

"Okay, thanks," I said, looking towards the ceiling. What did I do? Why did I do that to him and myself? I put my face into my hands and groaned loudly. I quickly changed, holding my bedclothes as I walked out of the bathroom. Issac was sitting on the bed. "Ready?" I sighed. He didn't say anything. He cleared his throat, stood up, and walked to the door. Really? The cold shoulder? I barely know this guy, and he's this pissed I turned him down? I sighed and walked out the door behind him. "Hey!" I yelled as we got outside. He turned around, looking at the ground; he slowly looked up at me. He still didn't say anything. He's not saying anything that irritated me. I bundled up my clothes and threw them at him. He struggled to catch them. "What the fuck is your issue, dude? We barely know each other, and you're all butthurt over last night? Sorry I don't let men I don't know in my fucking pants!" I yelled. He stood staring at me. He huffed and opened the hatch to the Rover and threw clothes in.

"Look, I'm tired and want to get to your parents. We will finish this conversation there," he said, opening and getting into the car.

"Wow. Kay," I said, crossing my arms and storming over to the passenger door.

The following 970 miles were silent. I passed out for three hours, then Issac woke me up.

"Hey, where's your driveway?" Issac asked, nudging me. I opened my eyes, and it was dark out. I rubbed my eyes and looked around to see if I recognized where we were. I did.

"Go straight, then turn right, follow the barbed wire fence until you reach a red mailbox that says "Hopkins" Then turn right down that road and keep going straight," I explained to Issac. He nodded his head and started driving. I looked at the clock, and it was 2:15 in the morning. My parents are most likely asleep. Issac turned right by the red mailbox that said my last name.

"Jesus Christ, how long is this driveway?" Issac asked.

"Uh, kind of long, but we'll be there in like 3 minutes." Issac sighed and started down the driveway.

"Your family owns all this?" Issac asked.

"Uh, my dad inherited it from his father," I answered. "Wouldn't you've known that when you looked me up?" I asked.

"Shit only tells you a little about a person," he answered.

"A little?" I huffed. Lights came into view and shortly revealed my family's little farmhouse. I smiled. "We're here," I said with happiness.

We pulled up next to my dad's farm truck. I jumped out of the car and ran up the porch stairs. I don't care what time it is. I need to see my parents. I knocked on the door and rang the doorbell. Someone looked through the blinds as the living room light turned on. I heard the door unlock and open.

"Hi, dad," I smiled.

Chapter 11

"Frank, who is it?" I listened to my mom's voice ask from the hallway. She peered around the corner and saw me hugging my dad. "Oh God, Del! What are you doing here?" She yelled, shutting her robe, and running over to me, stealing me from my dad's hug for her own.

"I missed you guys," I said in the hug.

"We've missed you too," she said, tightening her hug around me. I heard footsteps behind me, and I felt my mom let go and look behind me.

"And who's this gentleman?" She asked with a slight smile.

"Oh, uh-" I was cut off before I could answer.

"Issac Raven," Issac said, holding his hand out to shake both of my parent's hands.

"Hello," they both spoke with smiles. I huffed a little and gave him a quick smile.

"Y'all must be tired from the drive. We'll catch up in the morning, Del," my mom smiled.

"Okay, ma," I smiled. She walked over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. She walked back to her bedroom. I turned to see Issac and my dad grabbing bags out of the car.

"I'll grab those, dad, go back to bed with ma. I'll see you in the morning," I said, grabbing a bag from him.

"Del, it's okay; let me just help bring these into your room. You and Issac here look exhausted," he said, grabbing the bag out of my hand and walking into the house. I sighed.
