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"Your parents are nice," I heard Issac say behind me. I huffed and replied.

"Thanks." I walked into the house and down to my bedroom. I saw my dad setting the bag down on the bed. My room is still the same as when I left it.

"Here we go," my dad said. He pulled me in and kissed my forehead. "It's good to see you, Del," he smiled.

"Delilah?" I heard Issac shout from the living room. I rolled my eyes and walked out to the living room.

"This way," I pointed down the hall. "The guest bedrooms over there," I also pointed out. He stared at me; his eyes had disappointment in them.

"Goodnight, kids," my dad said, walking into his bedroom.

"Goodnight!" Issac and I said.

"Can we talk?" Issac asked, walking by me and into my room. I turned and followed. I closed my bedroom door and crossed my arms.

"What's up?" I asked. He set the bags down and looked around my room. He looked at pictures and ribbons I had hung up from winning competitions.

"Horse girl, huh?" He chuckled. I laughed a little.

"Uh… yep. So what's up? What do you want to talk about?"

"I want to finish the conversation now."

"Um, I'm tired. Can we finish it in the morning?"

"No, Delilah. Look… I'm sorry about what happened at the motel, and I don't know what I was thinking. But seeing you wearing my cut sparked something, Delilah. I've never let another chick stay in my clubhouse apartment, and if I saw a chick trying on my cut, I would yell at her, yank it off her and probably threaten her," he sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"Look, Del-" I cut him off before he could finish my name.

"Issac, stop! Again, we don't fucking know each other. I don't even know why I let you bring me or why I even talked to you. I should've put you in jail the first time we ran into each other," I yelled with tears. "Everything that's happened to me after the first night would've never happened if I did that. Issac, you're a bad person, and I've been ignoring it."

"I'm not that person you think I am, Delilah," he answered, looking up at me.

"You fucking shot a dude in the head in front of me-" Issac cut me off.

"And if I didn't kill him, you would've ended up in a ditch somewhere," Issac spat. "I feel like I need to protect you. I need to be around you and ensure you're safe, Delilah."

"Why? I could take care of myself."

"Because Delilah, if you had someone with you in that alley, maybe something would've been different. Maybe they would change something, and you would've never got hurt," Issac said, pacing and rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm fine being alone. I prefer it, Issac. I'm planning on getting a knife or something to carry with me now. I haven't been thinking like myself lately, so maybe that is why things have happened."

"Delilah. Please," Issac looked at me. I scuffed, turned around, grabbed sleeping clothes out of my bag, and walked to the bathroom.

"I'm getting changed and going to bed; there are extra blankets and pillows in that chest over there," I pointed. He looked and nodded. He grabbed clothes too and started changing into my room. I dashed into the bathroom, closing the door. I quickly changed because I didn't want him there alone. Who knows if he's looking for a diary or something, I thought to myself and rolled my eyes. I returned to my room to find Issac on the floor with blankets. I sighed in relief and walked to my bed. I turned off the lamp on my bedside table and fell asleep quickly.


I woke up to the sunlight seeping its way into my room. I sat up and stretched. I glanced over at the floor, and Issac was still asleep. I checked my phone, and it was 9:30 in the morning. I looked around and smiled. It feels good to be back home. I tipped-toed to my closet and grabbed a pair of jeans and a hoodie; then I tipped-toed to the bathroom. I changed quickly and threw my hair into a bun. I opened the door and quietly but quickly left my room. Both my parents were in the kitchen when I walked into the living room. Damn it. I was trying to sneak out and see my best friend.

"Hey, darling!" My mom said with an excited tone.

"Hi," I sighed, raising my eyebrows and giving a fake smile. My parents looked at each other and chuckled.

"Go ahead," my mom said, smiling and tilting her head towards the front door. She knew what I was trying to do. I smiled and ran to the door, grabbing my steel-toe riding boots and yanking the door open in excitement.

"Thank you! Love you!" I yelled, running out of the door. I heard my mom reply quickly.
