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"Fuck, I'm sorry," I said, snapping my head back to my legs. He laughed and stepped toward me.

"It's all good. To be honest, I was looking at you drying your hair, so we're even," he grinned. I opened my mouth and laughed.

"Wow, okay," I chuckled. I watched Issac get closer to me. His eyes traveled from my face down to my thigh. He was extremely close now. I looked at him and got lost in his eyes. He gently rubbed my thigh and sighed. He stepped in between my legs, still looking and caressing my thigh. I didn't move away or tell him to stop. I felt safe. He put his hands on the desk beside my thighs and looked at me. Our noses almost touched.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. He looked at me while I scanned his face. I cleared my throat as I got nervous butterflies in my stomach.

"It's okay," I whispered back. Issac looked at my eyes than my lips. He got closer and tilted his head; his lips grazed mine as he hesitated. I didn't move away, and my heart started pounding fast. He gently pressed his lips against mine. I flinched when he put his hand on my cheek. He stopped and looked at me. I snapped back into reality and pushed him away, jumping off the desk.

"What the fuck, Issac!" I shouted.

Chapter 10

"What the fuck, Issac!" I shouted. He rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't say anything. I tried to find the words to yell at him, but I couldn't. What is wrong with me? Why am I feeling like this?

"Sorry," he said, looking at the floor. I looked at him and sighed.

"It's okay… you just caught me off guard, I guess," I said, fiddling with my fingers. "I'm uh, I'm gonna sleep on the couch," I said, clearing my throat.

"No, you take the bed," he ordered.

"No, really, it's okay; the couch looks comfortable," I smiled. I went to grab a blanket and walk over to the couch when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pick me up. Issac was carrying me to the bed. I laughed. "Issac, stop!" I said, beginning to wiggle out of his grip. He chuckled.

Suddenly he tripped, slamming me down on the bed with him on top of me. We stared at each other for a moment. Issac went to lean up and get off when I grabbed his face and smashed my lips against his. I didn't even think before I did it. What am I doing!?

Issac tried to push himself between my legs, and I let him. He pushed his tongue through my lips, and I let him in. Our tongues danced with each other. Issac gently grabbed my throat; I let go of his face and rubbed his chest. He moaned in my mouth, grabbed my hands, and held them above my head without breaking the kiss. I could feel him getting hard against my leg, and I gasped. He started kissing my neck.

He was still holding my arms. I let out a little moan. His lips were soft and gentle. He nipped my neck, making me gasp again. He started to kiss down my neck and the v-line of my t-shirt. He let go of my hands, grabbed my waist with one hand, and slowly pushed his hand under my shirt while kissing my collarbone. As he got to my scar, he stopped. I looked away from him as he looked at me. He grabbed my face and pulled me into a rough kiss. He moved his hand up my waist more. I snapped out of the kiss, realizing I wasn't wearing a bra.

"Stop," I whispered. Issac froze and looked at me. "I- I can't, I mean, I haven't, uh fuck, I can't do this," I said, pushing him off me. He stood up, quickly adjusting himself in his pants. I sat up on the bed and put my head in my hands. "I'm sorry," I whispered.

"Don't apologize, I'm sorry… I didn't mean to get that into it with you," he sighed. "I should've realized you weren't ready after what happened." I looked up at him. I shook my head.

"It's not really that," I sighed. I felt the heat I'm on my cheeks. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I looked at the floor and sighed again. "I haven't… I haven't gone; I've never" I couldn't get the words out because I was embarrassed.

"You're a virgin?" He asked. I looked up at him and sighed. I nodded. "Oh, um"

"I mean, I've made out and have done… things with my ex, but we never went all the way," I spat out. "And I don't even know why I'm telling you this. I don't even know why we did that or why I did that. I'm, I just need to go to sleep," I said, standing up and walking towards the couch.

"I'm sleeping there," he said with a half-smile. I sighed and walked back to the bed. I crawled into the bed and covered myself up. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. Issac turned the lights off. I looked towards the window, noticing the sun coming up.

Issac walked over to the window, closed the curtains, and made it dark. I heard him lie on the couch and adjust to get comfortable. I rolled onto my side and pushed my face into the pillow.

"Del?" Issac whispered.

"Yeah?" I whispered back.

"I'm sorry," he said. I rolled onto my back. I starred at the ceiling, trying to think of an answer, but I couldn't. I pulled the blanket over my head and closed my eyes, forcing myself to fall asleep.


I woke up to sunlight peeking through the blinds. I looked around to see if Issac was awake, but he was gone. I quickly yanked the covers off and ran to the door, opening it. The Rover was gone; did he leave me here?! I panicked. I turned around and leaned against the door and slid down it. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my chin on them. I looked around the room, confused, wondering why he would just leave me. When I saw his cut on the counter, I stopped looking around. I jumped up and hurried towards it. I saw his clothes and other things near them.

He wouldn't leave this behind, would he? I asked myself. I ran my hand over the back of the cut. It had a Raven spreading its wings; crossed the top, it had " 'Raven & Sons,' and below the raven, it had "Colorado MC" I flipped it overlooking the front, running my fingers crossed the patches. "V. President," "Feathers & Bone," "Colorado MC," the cut was black, white, and grey, but on the back, the raven had blood on its wings. I picked up the cut and put my arms through it and walked to a mirror to look. It was big on me. I laughed and shook my head. Suddenly I heard the door close; I shot my head in that direction. It was Issac.

"Shit, I'm so sorry; I don't know what I was thinking," I said quickly, taking off the cut. He was just staring at me with a slight grin, but no emotion. He was holding a paper bag.

"Uh, I got lunch," he said, setting the bag down on the counter.
