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"Alright, want me to give you a ride home so you can get ready?" He asked. I looked behind him at the bike and swallowed.

"Uh, sure," I answered. He smiled and grabbed my hand gently. He walked me over to the bike and got on. He handed me a helmet and directed me onto the back of the bike. He reached behind himself and grabbed my hands, wrapping them around him.

"Keep your arms wrapped around me, and put your feet here and keep them there," he said, grabbing the back of both calves and pulling my legs and feet up, directing them to a bar. "Ready?" He said, looking behind him. I nodded my head yes, and he started the bike. The vibration makes my whole body shake. He threw his helmet on and looked back at me again. "Hold on tight," he grinned as he started driving.

The drive to my apartment on the bike was nice. The cool air hitting my face and flowing through the air was calming. Holding onto Issac gave me an awkward feeling. He was toned; I could feel his abs against my hands as I held on.

We pulled up to my apartment building. Issac killed the engine and took his helmet off. I also took mine off and tried to get off the bike, but of course, my foot got caught on air apparently and made me lose my balance.

"Shit," I spat as I was falling over. Then, suddenly, I felt arms around my waist catching me. Issac slammed me against his chest as he caught me. My hands were on his chest, and his were still on my waist. I looked at him as he looked down at me, and he smiled.

"Careful darling, I could get used to this," he chuckled. I pushed him away and pulled myself back together. "Go get your stuff, and I'll be back in 25 minutes. Look for a blacked-out Range Rover," he explained, getting back on his bike. I rolled my eyes.

"Kay," I agreed, turning around and walking towards the apartment doors. I got to my apartment and walked in. I looked around and sighed. I quickly changed into some yoga pants and a hoodie for the ride. It'll be good to get away from this town for a while. I love Longmont. Colorado has always been my destination place to live, but going back home to where I used to belong will make me feel better, I think. I packed some clothes; I didn't pack that much because I have clothes and things at my parents', making things a little easier.

I grabbed my phone (Susie bought me a brand new one when I didn't accept Issac's) and checked the time. It's been 30 minutes. Issac should be back by now. I peeked through the blinds and saw an SUV parked in front.

My heart pounded out of my chest. I'm nervous as fuck. I walked down the street with my bags; Issac got out of the car and ran over to me. He grabs my bags and puts them in the back.

"Ready?" He asked, smiling, walking over to the passenger door and opening it.

"I guess," I sighed. I got in and quickly threw my headphones in so I didn't have to communicate with him.

"Real cute," Issac said as he got in the driver's seat. I rolled my eyes. "Did you call your parents and let them know you're coming?

"Nope," I quickly answered. Issac raised his eyebrows.

"Okay… um, it's a 14-hour drive, so I'm thinking we'll drive for seven, then stay somewhere for a day, then drive another seven," he explained. I looked out the window and sighed.

"Whatever you want," I answered and put my headphones back in. I could see Issac staring in the window reflection. He sighed and turned the car on and began driving. This is going to be a long ride, I thought to myself. I felt myself growing tired. I tried to fight it and not fall asleep, but unfortunately, the exhaustion took over.

I woke up and looked out the window. It was still dark, so I looked at my phone. It was almost four in the morning. We left around 9ish; I think. I look over at Issac, and he notices.

"I saw a sign that said there's a motel off this next exit. I'm gonna stop, getting tired," he groaned. I nodded my head.

"Okay," I agreed. Sleeping in a bed would feel so much more comfortable than this seat.

We get off the exit and head towards the motel. The last time I was in a motel, I was almost raped and killed, so my anxiety rose. We pulled into the parking lot and parked.

"I'll go get us a room. I'll be back," Issac said, getting out of the car. He walked into the lobby. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I was still exhausted. I heard the car door open, and Issac sighed. "They only have a room with one bed available."

"Great." I rolled my eyes and sighed. He frowned a little. I left the car, walked back, and opened the hatch. I looked through my bag for a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. We walked to the room, and I got the shakes. Issac unlocked the door and opened it. He turned on the light, and we looked at the room. It was a nice room. The bed looked comfortable. It looked completely different from the room Markus had brought me to. This lowered my anxiety down a little.

"Well, this is it, I guess," Issac said as we walked in. I continued to look around and spotted the bathroom.

"I'm gonna go shower and change," I said to him, walking towards the bathroom. He nodded.

"Alright. I'll take one too when you're done," he said. I nodded and shut the door. I looked at the lock and debated whether to lock it. Just in case, I decided not to. The bathroom was nice, for being a motel bathroom, it was. I turned the shower on and got in.

After showering, I got dressed. I opened the door while drying my hair. Issac was sitting on the bed, and he looked at me.

"How's the shower?" He asked.

"Pretty nice, actually. Good find," I said. He did find a pretty decent motel. He got up and went into the bathroom. I looked around, checking out the room still. There was a desk against the wall near the bathroom.

I hopped onto the desktop, grabbed my lotion, and started rubbing my arms and legs. I went into deep thoughts while rubbing my thigh over my scars. They were wide, long, and dark. I snapped out of my trance when I heard the bathroom door open. Issac came out in sweatpants and no shirt. He was messing with his hair. I couldn't help but stare at him.

His tattoos covered his entire chest and back. He was very toned, like I thought. His abs and muscles were beautiful. I could even see his veins through his tattoos. He looked over at me and caught me staring.
