Page 51 of Minefield

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“Show off,” I mumble. She hops off and pulls me back over.

“Use your upper body muscles when you go to pull yourself up and swinging your leg over.” She explains.

I sigh and shake my head. I look at Sugar’s face. Her eyes are half closed and she looks relaxed. At least one of us is. I stick my foot in the stirrup and grab the saddle and horn. I glance over at Delilah. “If I fall off, you better run.”

I pull myself up and swing my leg over and then my body comes slamming down, crushing my balls. “Oof” I groan and lean forward.

“You didn’t need to swing that high!” Delilah laughs.

“You didn’t tell me that,” I groan, leaning back up. “Fuck” I hiss. I watch as Delilah walks around the front of Sugar.

“Now put this foot in here,” she says, grabbing the stirrup on my right and angling it for my foot. “Good, now, toes in, heals down” I do just that.

“That’s uncomfortable as fuck. You sit like this?”

“When I’m using a saddle, yes,” she says, stepping back. She looks over at the open barn door and whistles. Roan comes out, throwing his head up and down. He walks up to her. She goes to his left side and grabs his mane and throws her hand over his back and then she jumps, hoisting herself over his back. She nudges his sides, and he begins to walk. She pulls on his mane gently and steers him towards Sugar and I. Once they’re next to us, Delilah grabs the rope that has Sugar secured to a pole. “Grab the horn and squeeze your legs,” she says. Then she turns and pulls on the rope hooked to Sugar and she starts to move.

“Oh, fuck,” I say, swaying.

“Tighten your abs and sit up straight,” Delilah says over her shoulder. I do what she says. She pulls us around in circles in the paddock.

The sun is setting by the time Delilah unsaddles Sugar. My legs are shaky, and my nuts are sore. “Here,” Delilah says, shoving a brush in my hand. “Brush her down before you put her in her stall” I go to speak, but she stops me. “My dad always had a rule. Whoever rode the horse takes care of the brushing afterwards” I laugh and shake my head.

“Yes, ma’am” I nod. She smiles and turns away, walking out of the barn. “Where ya headed?” I ask.

“Grabbing Roan!” she shouts back.

I brush Sugar and the bring her to her stall, feed and watering her just like Delilah showed me. Once I’m finished, I walk out and look for Delilah. I look to my right and see a blur run by. I zone in on the blur and see its Delilah and Roan running through the field.

The way the sun is setting behind them makes a beautiful scene you would only see in movies. I take my phone from my back pocket and open the camera. I pull it up and point it at Delilah and Roan running. I look through the camera and see she has her arms spread wide, the slight breeze blowing through her hair. I smile and snap a couple of pictures.

I open my photo app and pull up the pictures I just taken. Absolutely breath taking. I pull up my messages and send Doll.

Me- *Image*

Doll- So beautiful. I love you two.

Me- We love you.

I put my phone away and look up, seeing Delilah walking towards me, Roan following her from behind.

“Whatcha doing?” she asks, walking up to me.

“Admiring the view,” I say, smirking at her. She smiles and steps closer to me, then wraps her arms around me and buries her head in the crook of my neck.

“Thank you for everything,” she whispers. I smile and chuckle.

“Finally,” I say with a sigh.

“What?” she asks, pulling away.

“Ya finally thanked me,” I wink.

Chapter Forty-One


“Welcome to Gardenstone’s Equine Science. My name Is Elizabeth Wilson, and I will be you Professor for this class,” the professor says as she walks into the classroom. It’s my first day at Gardenstone and I couldn’t be any more nervous. Issac’s check in on me every twenty minutes, driving me nuts.
