Page 52 of Minefield

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Issac- How’s everything going?

Me- For the thousandth time, fine. Everything is fine. You’re driving me nuts and distracting me.

Issac- Okay, okay. Text me after class. I love you.

Me- I love you too.

I roll my eyes and smile. I put my phone away and zone back into what the professor is saying.

“I would like us all to introduce ourselves and tell us something about yourself. Something interesting that’ll leave us wanting to know more about you. We’ll start with you,” she says, pointing to me. I look around. Everyone is staring at me. Alright here it goes. I stand up and clear my throat.

“Hi, my name is Delilah Raven, and I found love, where it wasn’t supposed to be,”


Me- Where are you?

I text Issac looking around the parking lot for him. He dropped me off her this morning and then told me to meet him back here once the day was over.

Issac- Around the corner.

I read the text and look around and don’t see him. But then I hear it, the rumble of an engine. I look to where the roar was coming from and see a midnight purple classic car with tinted windows rolling up to me. The driver’s window rolls down.

“Hey beautiful,” Issac says through the window. He pulls his sunglasses off and looks at me. God, he’s beautiful.

“Hi” I say walking towards the car looking at it. “Is this your parents’ car?” I ask Issac. He turns the car off and gets out.

“Yes ma’am. Jay helped me restore her. Damn thing is almost brand new. We replaced everything.” He explains and stands next to me to look at the car.

“She’s beautiful. I love the color. You guys did amazing,” I say, still looking at the car.

“She is beautiful, isn’t she? So that’s why I’m hoping you take care of her for me,” he says, then I hear jingling next to my head. I turn and see Issac dangling a pair of keys.

“Wait what?” I ask, confused. He rolls his eyes and grabs one of my hands and places the keys in my palm.

“She’s yours,” he says, squeezing my hand around the keys.

“Issac, I-I can’t this is your- “

“Shut up and get in that fucking car,” he says, pointing to the open driver’s door. I say nothing and do what he asks.

I sit in the driver’s seat and look around in the car. I don’t even realize Issac closed my door and got in until he takes the keys from my hand and puts them in the ignition.

“Let’s take her for a ride,” he smiles.

Without asking questions, I turn the keys and the car fires right up. The engine making the entire frame vibrate.

“Wild,” I say, grabbing the steering wheel with one hand. I look over at the shifter and wrap my hand around it. “Hold on tight,” I say before I floor it.

Issac and I shoot back in our seats as the car takes off. I drive out of Gardenstone’s parking lot and get onto the main road, where I open her up. I watch the speedometer almost reach 100 when I shift and let off the gas.

We drive around for a about an hour, then I head the direction our home is.

“Pull over up there,” Issac says, pointing at a small clearing in the trees. I look over at him.

“You wanna drive?” I ask.

“Just pull over in there,” he points as we get closer. I flip on my signal and pull over into the small clearing. I put the car in park and pull up the e-brake. I unbuckle my belt, confused, and grab the door handle to open it, but I’m yanked away.
