Page 50 of Minefield

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We stand in silence for a moment and then Jay makes his move and pulls me into a hug. He gives me a gentle kiss on my temple, then pulls away.

“I gotta run. Club shit” he sighs. I smile and nod. And with that, he walks over to his bike where General is already waiting in the van. General waves at me and I wave back and blow him a kiss. He pretends to catch it and then holds it against his heart, and then they’re off.

“Ready?” Issac says, coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around me. I smile and turn around in his arms and nod. He kisses me and then walks me to the truck and opens the door for me. Before I get in, I see a police cruiser pull in and park right next to us.

“You think I was gonna let you leave without getting a goodbye?” Nathan says as he gets out and walks over to us. He pulls Issac into a hug and then comes over to me. He pulls me in for a hug. “Oh yeah, there’s someone else who deserves a goodbye,” he says pulling away from our hug. He walks over to the back door of his cruiser and opens the door.

“Theo!” I say as he jumps out and trots over to me. I squat down and pull him into me, falling on my ass because of his weight. I hug him and give him love scratches.

“Oh shit, I gotta grab one more thing. You brought it right Nathan?” Issac says. I look up, confused.

“What would Nathan have of ours?” I ask. Issac walks over to me and pulls me up from the ground.

“This,” Nathan says, opening the passenger door of his cruiser. He leans in and then pulls something out.

“Meet rose” Nathan says as he pulls a small bundle of fur from his cruiser. He walks towards me, holding the puppy out to me.

“Are you for real right now?” I ask looking between both him and Issac. They both chuckle.

“Take her,” Issac says as Nathan stops in front of me. I look down at the little pup. She’s a mini version of Theo, except her coat is lighter and she has blue eyes.

“They look so much alike,” I say, grabbing the puppy from him. I cradle her and smile.

“That’s because she’s technically Theos little sister. His parents had another litter,” Nathan explains.

Tears gather in my eyes, and I hold the puppy closer to me. “I love her so much, thank you,” I say to both of them.

“You’re welcome” Nathan smiles. He pulls me and Rose into a hug. “You take care of her,” Nathan says to her as he pulls away. Then he looks between Issac and I. “You too,” he says, pointing at Issac.

Issac nods. “You know I will,”

“Alright. I’ll see you guys later. Come on, Theo,” he says and whistles, pointing towards his car’s open door. I give Theo one more quick head scratch.

“See ya later buddy,” I whisper to him. Then he runs over to the car and jumps in. I feel a hand come up over my shoulder.

“Come on, we got horses to feed,” he says pulling me towards the truck. I swat at him from over my shoulder. I get in the truck and look around the clubhouse again. Honestly, I will kind of miss this place.

Chapter Forty


“Okay, so I hold this?”

“The horn” Delilah answers. Why did I agree with her teaching me how to ride a horse? I grab the horn.

“Left hand,” I hear her say, then she taps my left arm. “Left hand grabs the horn and the use your right to grad the back of the saddle. But first, put your left foot in the stirrup,” she points to the thing hanging off the saddle.

“You expect me to stretch my leg up that high?” I say, pointing to it as well. Sugar sounds like she just let out a sigh and a snort.

“Yes,” she says, nodding.

“There’s no way. I’m not that flexible.”

“Neither am I,”

“You also don’t use one of these.”

“A saddle,” she corrects me. I stop and glare at her. She smiles and rolls her eyes. “Watch,” she says, pushing me back. She raises her knee and sticks it in the stirrup, at the same time she grabs onto the horn and back of the saddle and then swings her right leg over.
