Page 47 of Minefield

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I watch my ring sparkle as the sunlight hits it through the truck window. We’re on our way back to the clubhouse because Issac wants to finish up some business and grab the rest of our things.

We pull in and immediately see Doll standing outside with Nathan and another officer.

“What’s going on?” I ask, looking at Issac. He’s just as confused as I am.

“No idea. Let’s go,” he says, getting out and rounding to my side to open my door for me. I grab his hand and jump out of the truck.

“What’s going on?” Issac asks as we walk up to him. Doll, Nathan, and the other officer turned to us.

“Isaiah is in the prisons infirmary,” Doll says, looking at Issac. “Critical condition, but he’ll live unfortunately,” she adds. Issac stands there, taking everything in.

“What happened?” I ask. Everyone looks at me, and I can feel the burning on my cheeks.

“A few of the inmates cornered him, shived him a few times in the stomach and then slit his throat. Wasn’t deep enough though,” Nathan explained.

“And you’re here telling me this why?” Issac asks. Everyone shifts on their feet and looks at each other.

Nathan clears his throat. “He’s asking for you, and Delilah,”

“Nah, not happening,” Issac says, shaking his head.

“I know you don’t like the idea, but since you guys didn’t get closer last time, I think this will be it,” Nathan explains, but Issac doesn’t want to hear it. They all start talking and explaining their sides, but I speak up.

“I wanna go,” I speak over everyone. They all freeze and look at me, dumbfounded. “I want to see him suffering.”

“Del-“ Issac says, reaching for me, but I grab his hand and rub my thumb across the top.

“It’ll be fine. We need this,”

He sighs and nods, then dips his head down for a kiss. I put my hand against his cheek and caressed his three-day-old scruff.

“What is that on your fucking finger!?” I hear Doll scream and my hand is yanked away from Issacs face.

“Oh yeah, by the way-“ Issac begins, but Doll screams in joy and hugs me. I look behind her at Nathan and he smiles at me. Then he walks over to Issac, shakes his hand, and hugs him.

Doll bombarded me with questions about things I haven’t even thought about.

“We’ll talk about that later,” Issac says to Doll. He looks back at Nathan. “When did he wanna see us?” he asks.

Nathan checks his watch. “I think it’s better if y’all go after visiting hours, which end in an hour and it takes about an hour and a half to get there so you’ll be good,”

Issac nod and looks at Doll and I. “Load up you two.”

“Me?” Doll says, confused, pointing to herself. “Why?”

“Because I want him to see how better we are doing without his ass,” Issac says, opening the passenger door and back door for us.

Doll shrugs her shoulders and jumps in the back. Issac holds his hand out for me to grab and help me in.

“Hey,” he says before I’m all the way in the truck. “This’ll be the last time we have to deal with him, and then we’ll go back to normal. I promise,” he says.

I smile and shake my head and cup his cheek. “We were never normal to begin with. This is the beginning of the next chapter in our lives,”

Chapter Thirty-Eight

