Page 46 of Minefield

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“Fuck me,” she whispers back. Without hesitation, I grip her hips and flip her onto her back. I stand between her legs and reach for her jeans. I unbutton them slowly, teasing her as my fingers graze her exposed skin. I unbutton her jeans and yank them down her legs, throwing them across the room. I stare down at her beautiful body. Every scar, her thick curves, her ink that’s spread across it. Everything.

“You’re so fucking perfect,” I say while I lean down and leave kisses down her throat to her sternum, then down her stomach to the hem of her panties. I glance up at her to see her head pushed back against the bed and her lips parted. I bite the hem of her panties and start pulling them down, my lips and teeth brushing against her skin. Her back arches and she lets out a little gasp.

Once I have her panties all the way off, I stand up straight as I pull my shirt off, adding it to the pile of clothes, and then I begin to unbuckle my belt. She sits up and watches as I yank the belt out of the loops causing it to make a cracking noise. She flinches, but doesn’t take her eyes away from me. Instead, she leans up and reaches behind her, unclipping her bra, tossing it.

Her perfect tits jiggle as she sets them free. I groan while undoing my jeans, then I quickly push them down my hips to the floor, kicking out of them and my shoes. I grab her by her hips and throw her farther onto the bed. I crawl up between her legs and lean down to her sweet spot. Needing to have a taste, my tongue darts out and flattens against her clit, causing her to shiver and her legs to try and close on my head. I grip her thighs and push them apart, holding them down.

“Issac” she gasps, her hand shooting to my hair, gripping on to the strands like it’s the only thing keeping her grounded. With my tongue still tracing patterns on her clit, I close my lips around the tiny bundle of nerves and suck. She screams and arches her back, pushing her pussy even more into my face. With the grip I have on her thighs, I pull her even closer so that there’s no space between my mouth and her sweet, silky flesh. Her grip on my hair tightens and I feel the burn of strains ripping from my scalp.

I give her swollen clit a break from my mouth and focus on her tight entrance. I flatten my tongue against the bottom of her slit and then travel up until I slip the tip into her. I push my tongue in and out, causing her body to tremble even more. Her legs try closing again, but my grip keeps them wide open for me.

“I-Issac” she says like she’s gasping for air. I keep my mouth locked onto her pussy. I can feel her orgasm coming, working its way through her. I know her body well enough to know when she’s about to explode. I slide my tongue back to her clit and gently nip the flesh with my teeth before she reaches her peak. She screams, and her orgasm hits. I lock my mouth onto her, collecting every last drop her body offers me.

Once she’s done riding the wave of her first orgasm, I sit up. My cock hard as fucking diamonds as it points to her pink pussy. Watch her body come back down. She breathes hard, and her beautiful pale pink nipples peak, asking me to suck on them. So, I do. I lean down and take her right one in my mouth. I twirl my tongue around it while sucking at the same time. I pinch and rub her other nipple with my free hand. She quivers under me and gasps for air.

I let go of her nipple. A popping noise echoes through the room when my mouth pulls away. “Look at how this beautiful body reacts to my touch,” I whisper, then I lick up the column of her throat and up to her ear. I nip the lobe with my teeth and growl. “These are mine,” I say, hovering over her lips, giving her a quick kiss. “And these,” I say leaning up grabbing each tit “are mine” then, I scoot down the bed and spread her legs wide open again. “And this pretty pussy right here,” I say, giving her sensitive clit a slow kiss, making her whimper. “Is mine,” I growl. I it up and glare at her. “Say it” I demand.

She swallows. “I’m yours” she whispers.

“Good girl,” I say and grin. I wrap my hand around my dick and stroke it a few times. Then I rub the pad of my thumb across the tip, collecting the pre-cum that collected. I lean up and wipe it across her lips, her tongue immediately darting out, tasting me. My eyes roll into the back of my head, and I groan. I open my eyes and see her sitting up. She puts her hand on my chest and directs me down onto the bed.

She’s straddling me again, and before I register what’s happening, her lips are around the tip of my dick.

“Oh, fuck,” I groan, my body jumping. I go to wrap my hand around her hair but stop myself, not knowing if it’s something she’s comfortable with yet. I let her take the lead this time. She tries to find her rhythm and then sticks to it. The head of my cock hitting the back of her throat. She gags but keeps going. I groan and my toes curl on their own. Then I feel her pull back. I look down at her and see her beautiful face streaked with tears, and saliva dripping from her lips. She surprises me by wrapping her hand around my wet cock and stroking it, before wrapping her lips around the tip, even as I groan and my toes curl involuntarily. Her tongue swirling around and her hand stroking me up and down. I can’t take it anymore. I lean up and grab her throat, pulling her off my cock and pushing her onto her back. I line myself up with her entrance and thrust in.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


Issac slams into me, causing me to scream out. My nails dig into his back as I pull him closer to me. He groans as he lets me adjust to him. He leans down and buries his face into my neck.

“Let me know when you’re ready,” he whispers. I wrap my legs around him and push my feet against his ass, pushing him in even more. He hisses and I groan. He takes that for an answer and slips out of me and then back in. He keeps a smooth rhythm and then picks up speed and starts thrusting in a little harder each time. The sound of our skin slapping against each other echoes throughout the room.

“You’re gripping me so tight. Fuck,” he says, and he leans up and watches his cock disappear inside me. Watching him watch himself fuck me is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. He suddenly stalls inside me, and I look at him, confused. He spreads my pussy lips wide open. Then I see a string of spit fall from his lips, right onto my clit. I feel like I’ve just been shocked. I can feel his spit slowly slide down to where we’re connected. I watch him as he puts his thumb against my clit and slowly rubs circles around it.

“Issac!” I scream. My body involuntarily jumps and tries to pull away, but he doesn’t let that happen. He pulls me back and starts slamming his cock in me again while rubbing my clit. I can feel my body growing hot and my heart beating erratically. I can feel my orgasm building and approaching quickly.

“That’s it baby, squeeze my cock,” he groans as he continues to fuck me hard. “Squeeze my cock with this pretty pussy of yours,” he moans. “I want to feel your come dripping down my dick and balls,” he hisses as he slams in.

I scream as my orgasm tears through me. I can feel myself tighten around him and begin to pulse. I’m moaning and shaking as he continues to fuck me through it. I can feel his dick harden even more and then he slams into me one more time and stills with a groan.

“Fuck, you’re squeezing the come right outta me,” he hisses as he gives me small thrusts. I feel him pulsing inside me, pumping into me, making sure I get every last drop.

He stills and collapse on me. I can feel his heart beating rapidly against mine. I wrap my arms around him and start running my fingers through his hair. His face in tucked comfortably in the side of my throat. We’re both breathing heavy, coming down from our highs.

“Yes,” I whisper, continuing to run my fingers through his wavy strands. He stops breathing for a second and then quickly leans up. He searches my eyes with his.

“Yes?” he repeats. I smile and nod. He smiles back, then smashes his lips against mine.

“Shit,” he says, pulling away.


“The rings outside with Roan still,” he sighs. He goes to pull away, but I wrap my legs around him and lock my ankles.

“You’re not going anywhere,” I say, nipping at his bottom lip. He chuckles and stares at me. Then his hand travels up my body and rests against my throat.

“Oh, yeah?” he whispers. He leans in and bites my ear, then makes his way down my throat. “Shouldn’t have done that, sweetheart, cause we’re gonna be here all night now,” he growls and resumes kissing and caressing my body, sending me to a never-ending bliss.
