Page 48 of Minefield

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It’s dark by the time we get to the prison. Doll, Issac and I follow Nathan through the back doors of the prison that leads to the infirmary.

Our footsteps echo off the concrete walls as we walk in. We get to an iron gate that has guards on both sides of it. Nathan shows him his ID and then whispers something to him. The guard nods and steps aside, opening the gate. Nathan takes us through and shows us to Isaiah’s room.

“Ready?” he asks us, stopping in front of the door. We all nod. Nathan turns the nob and opens the door. Issac walks in first, then Doll, then me.

Isaiah is cuffed to a hospital bed. He has tubes and IVs hooked up to him. His throat is wrapped with layers of gauze. There’s a bit of blood seeping through in the front. When the door closes, Isaiah’s eyes open, and he looks around the room at everyone. His eyes land on me, then dart towards Issac. Isaiah raises his hand and points at Issac.

Issac steps forwards and to Isaiah’s side. Isaiah grabs a piece of paper that was tucked at his side and hands it to Issac. Issac reads it and starts to chuckle. He leans down and grabs Isaiah’s by the throat, pulling him up to his face. Isaiah groans in pain and clenches his eyes shut as Issac squeezes.

“It’s a little too late for that, brother,” Issac hisses in his face. He pushes Isaiah back down on the bed. He stands up straight and walks back over to Doll and I. He stands in front of us and shows us the paper.

I’m sorry.

Doll scuffs and shakes her head. “You’re sorry?!” she shouts.

“We’ll give you a moment,” Issac says to Doll. He grabs my hand and walks me out of the room. Nathan follows us out and quietly closes the door. Once the door closes, we hear Doll yelling and losing her shit.

“You’re disgusting! Weak! Fucking pitiful! You are a disgrace to the Raven family!” we hear her scream. She yells some more, but it’s hard to understand. Issac squeezes my hand.

“I want you to go see him last,” he says to me. I turned to look at him, confused. Before I could speak, he stops me. “You’re the one who he tortured the most. You deserve- “

“Issac, I’m not the only one he hurt,” I stop him.

“I know that. But I think you need this more than anyone,” he says, then he flips my hand over and sets an object in it. When he pulls his hand away, a dagger sits in my hand. My heart beats harder and I look up at Issac.

“He used this to kill a raven. Laid her down on the club’s table and stabbed her through the heart,” he explains. He wraps my fingers around the handle, then rests his forehead on mine. “End this chapter so we can start a new one,” he whispers then kisses my forehead.

Issac and I pull away when we hear the door to Isaiah’s room fly open and Doll steps out, taking a deep breath, then releasing it. “I feel so much better,” she sighs. Issac looks at her and smiles, then he turns back to me.

“Ready?” he asks. I nod and turn towards the door. I tuck the dagger in the back of my jeans and then I open the door.

I walk in and immediately look at Isaiah. He blinks and looks away, turning his head slightly. I look over my shoulder and watch the door slowly close, catch a glimpse of Issac nodding. I look back at Isaiah.

“Don’t wanna look at me now, huh?” I say, slowly stepping over to the side of his bed. I start fucking around with the machines he’s hooked up to. Pushing different buttons and shit. He turns his head to me and starts fidgeting around in the bed. “What? Am I not supposed to touch this?” I ask, pointing at the equipment. His nose flares and his eyes fill with anger. I run my tongue over my teeth and make a clicking nose with it. I trace a tube with my eyes to see where it leads to. Ah, his air. I grab it and start messing with it, making sure he can see. I tug on it and watch him groan and squint his eyes in pain as I pull it.

“Sucks having breathing tubes and all this shit, doesn’t it?” I say. He glares at me, then jumps in the bed, trying to scare me, but I don’t flinch. The bed shakes because he’s cuffed to it. I chuckle and then pinch the tube close. Isaiah’s eyes widen and then he starts choking for air. “You think I’m still afraid of you?” I ask. His face is growing red by the second. I slowly let up on the tube, letting the air flow back through. He relaxes once the air gets to him and then looks at me. I see fear begin to cloud his eyes. I smile and lean down, getting in his face.

“You shattered my world. Took almost everything I loved away from me. You made the ones I love suffer,” I hiss. I reach behind me and grab the dagger from my jeans and bring it towards his face. His eyes grow wide, and he tries to move, yanking at his restraints. “Now it’s your turn,” I say, putting the pointed tip under his chin. I slowly push it through his skin, watching little bits of blood seep through the cut and onto the blade. He groans in pain. I pull the blade back and stand up straight. I look down at his bandages and get an idea. I pull the gauze up and begin cutting it off.

Once I get the bandages off, I look at his slit throat, stitches holding the skin together. I bring the blade to the stitches and rest it there. Then I look at Isaiah and smile. I slip the blade under the skin and pull back, cutting one. He screams through the tube in his mouth. “This is for my parents,” I say as I cut two more. Blood slowly fills the open wounds.

He continues to scream as I snip each stitch, saying a name after each one. “Your parents” Snip. “Iris” Snip. “Doll” Snip. “Jay” Snip. “Evelyn” Snip. “Your daughter” Snip. I continue saying names of those he’s hurt. I make sure I go slow and making it as painful as I can. I have only two more stitches and two more names to say of the people he has hurt. How convenient. I dig the dagger deeper under the second to last stitch. “Issac” I say. I push the dagger in further than yank it back, catching the stitch cutting through it. Blood pours down his throat from that one. Now, I’m on the last one. I do the same as the one before, but before I pull back and cut the stitch, I look Isaiah in the eyes. I twist the dagger’s blade around and then I yank back as hard as I can and scream. “Delilah!” I step back and take a deep breath, watching the blood glide down his throat. I wipe the blood off my hands and the dagger on his hospital blanket.

Tears are slowly sliding down his face. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, preparing myself for the next step I’m about to take. I open my eyes and get one more look at the man who turned so many people’s worlds upside down.

I take the dagger and push the pointed tip through his hospital gown, into his skin, feeling for a space between his ribs near his heart. “Better hope I don’t miss,” I say before putting all my weight onto the dagger, jamming it between his ribs, and into his heart. He lets out a haunting groan. I keep pushing the dagger in, even though it can’t go any farther. The tears I was holding in begin the fall. I yank the dagger out and step back and watch as blood pours out of his chest. I turn towards the breathing machine and pull its plug, and then I wait.

I listen and watch as the heart monitor flatlined. I turn towards the door and walk out and the next chapter of my life, our lives, begins.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


Three months later

“Do we have everything?” I ask Issac checking all the moving boxes we’ve loaded onto the trailer.

“Yes?” he says, unsure of his answer. I turn my head and squint my eyes at him.
