Page 35 of Minefield

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“You fucker!” I scream.

“And after Evelyn,” he says and pauses. “After her, I made sure that I’d slowly rip away at his heart. I wanted him to watch you suffer. I wanted him to feel my pain!” he said, slamming his hands down on the table.

“Why? Why did you start all of this with her in the first place?” Nathan speaks up. Isaiah looks towards him, then towards Issac.

“Why don’t you answer that little bro,” he nods at Issac.

“Isaiah” Issac hisses in a threatening tone.

“No? You’re really not gonna say what actually started all this? Fine,” Isaiah says. He looks between Nathan and I. “It all started when this fuck here called me and told me that the club might have a potential situation. That there was someone who got caught in the crossfire,”

“Isaiah!” Issac shouts, slamming his fist down onto the table. My heart is racing. I’m soaked in sweat.

“I’m not done,” Isaiah says, looking at Issac.

“Don’t Isaiah, please,” Issac begs looking at his brother.

“Issac, what’s he talking about?” I ask, dreading the answer.

“I’ll just get right to it. You see, your boy toy here asked me to deal with the situation, because it was my job as the president of the club to deal with loose ends,”

Chapter Twenty-Six


“Fuck. I told you to leave it alone, though!” Issac screams. He grabs the table and flips it over, sending Isaiah to the ground with it because of the shackles that are attached to it.

“Yeah, well then I noticed how much you took a liking to her and I knew, I knew right then and there I had to do it,” he said, trying to sit up.

I stand there in shock, processing everything.

“You told him to get rid of me?” I ask Issac. He turns to me. He’s pale as a ghost.

“It was right before you woke up in the MR after you were shot. I called him on my way back to the clubhouse asking him what I should do,” he explains. “Then, after I brought you home, I called him back and told him I’d take care of it. That I would take reasonability over you.”

I laugh. All my sadness has now turned into anger. “So, wait, you’re telling me after all this fucking time, you knew who was torturing me?”

“I didn’t know it was him. I thought it was The Diablos still. I thought he backed off!” he says, stepping towards me. I step back. “Delilah, I swear on my fucking life I didn’t know.”

I nod, not knowing what to say. Words are no longer processing in my brain. Just anger.

“I need air,” I whisper, turning towards the door.

“Del-“ Issac says reach for me. I yank myself away.

“Don’t! Don’t fucking touch me” I scream at him. He stares at me with tears filling his eyes.

I shake my head and push open the door, finding my way outside.

Once I’m outside and around the building where I’m away from people, everything hit me. I lose it. I scream and punch at the concrete building. I feel the skin of my knuckles splitting open. Blood starts running down my fingers and splatters against the wall as I keep hitting it. Arms wrap around me from behind and pulls me away from the wall.

“Let me fucking go!” I scream.

“Stop,” Nathan whispers in my ear. Breathing hard, I glance over my shoulder, quick to confirm it’s Nathan who’s holding me tight against his chest. My knees give out and we both tumble to the ground. Nathan sits up and holds me against him and I just cry.

I thought my world fell apart months ago, but I was wrong.

