Page 34 of Minefield

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“My pleasure. Anytime,” he says with a wink.

Chapter Twenty-Five


The locks to the room, Isaiah’s room disengages. My heart feels like it’s about to fly outta my chest.

“Take a deep breath,” Issac whispers to me. The door swings open as I do.

“Ready?” Nathan asks. I nod. He gives me a small smile and then we walk in.

Isaiah is shackled to a metal table. He’s wearing bright orange and looks like he hasn’t slept in ages. Good. He doesn’t look up as we walk in. He keeps staring at the floor. Then he speaks.

“I know that smell. Citrus, almost lemony. I know only one person who wears that scent, Flower,”

My heart stops. My body goes stiff, and I feel the cold sweats begin. I didn’t have time to react. Issac was already across the table, yanking Isaiah over it.

“Call her that again, I’ll rip your fucking tongue out,” Issac hisses in his face. Isaiah laughs.

“Oh, now the big bad boyfriend wants to protect his girl. Where was this rage and anger months ago, little brother? When I had her screaming and begging me to stop when she was under me,”

Issac’s eyes turn black. He’s about to lose it. He goes to swing his free arm, but Nathan catches it.

“Issac!” Nathan shouts. Issac looks over at me and then back to a grinning Isaiah. Issac pushes him away and steps away from the table. He straightens his clothes and cracks his neck.

Isaiah sits back down in his chair and leans back, still with that stupid fucking grin. He looks me up and down and bites his lip. I become sick to my stomach. But instead of cowering down, I stand taller and cross my arms.

“So,” Isaiah says, looking around the room at us. “What can I help y’all with?”

“I need to know what you and Levi’s plans for the club were. You know, after you killed everyone off,” Issac says, cutting right to the chase.

Isaiah scoffs. “The plan was, after I got rid of you, I was gonna patch my dear ole dad in as VP. Like how it should’ve been.”

“You know the club would’ve never agreed to that.”

“It was either that or a bullet,” Isaiah said. He turns and his gaze lands on me. Issac goes to ask him another question, but he cuts him off.

“How’s your dad?” he says with a smile. “I heard he’s been having a real tough time since you mom died so unexpectedly.”

“I’m sorry what?” I speak.

“How’d it happen again? You found her on her bedroom floor, right? Or was it the bathroom floor?”

“How do you know?” I yell, stepping towards him. I look around the room at Nathan and Issac. “How does he know?” I scream. They’re both shaking their heads. Just as surprised as I am.

“I know everything you did within those two years Delilah,” he grins. Tears are pouring out of my eyes. “I’m the one who drove you back.”

“W-what did you do?”

“It’s amazing how fast fentanyl kills someone when it’s injected into them,”

“No,” I whisper, shaking my head.

“Your screams and cries for help were music to my ears,” he says, moving his hands towards his ears, making his shackles rattle. “And then you breaking down in the hospital with your old boy toy was just breathtaking.”

I stand frozen in place. Tears streaming down my face. This can’t be happening.

“Can’t you see I planned everything out perfectly? Do you think you just so happened to crash your car right outside of town? No. Nope, that was me. I made sure you hit that cluster fuck of wood. I made sure you got stranded here. You see, I called your cousin and told her the hotels weren’t holding the rooms.”
