Page 33 of Minefield

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Chapter Twenty-Four


Issac grabs his cock and starts rubbing my orgasm into his smooth skin. He moves my body so that I’m hovering over him. He looks at me and waits to see if I change my mind. I give him a nod. He slowly guides me down on his cock. When the head of it penetrates me, I hold my breath. I’m so sensitive my body is in overdrive. He groans and looks between us. We watch as he disappears inside me slowly. I moan and let out the breath I was holding in. I feel Jay press against my back, his cock hard as a rock as it lays against my back. He’s looking over my shoulder, watching Issacs cock slip in and out of me. I feel my walls already clamping down on Issac.

“Fuck, already babe?” Issac hisses as he continues to slowly fuck me. “We just started,” he whispers in my ear. Then he grabs a hand full of my hair and pulls me down on him so that we’re chest to chest. I feel Jay’s hand run down my spine, then the feeling behind me disappears and the bed lifts. Issac picks up his speed. He starts to pound into me, hitting every spot that needs it. I whimper, but he smothers it with a sloppy kiss. He bites my lip and pulls me closer with it.

I feel the bed dip behind me again, and then hands on my hips. Issac pushes me back up so I’m leaning against Jay’s chest again. Jay grabs my hips and starts moving them with Issacs rhythm. I feel the sparks of pleasure build up in my body.

I moan, going with their rhythm. Then I feel something cold and wet against my… my asshole. I freeze and hold my breath. They both stop their movements and look at me.

“We can stop,” Jay whispers. I release my breath and take another one and letting it go.

“Do it,” I moan as I sink back down onto Issac. He groans and resumes his movements. Jay’s finger circles around my hole and then slowly pushes its way in. It burns at first, then starts to feel weird. The more he pushes in, my body tenses up. Issac groans when he feels me tense. He wraps his hand around my neck and pulls me down to him so that we are chest to chest again.

“Relax” he whispers. “You’re squeezing my cock so hard I’m gonna come before I’m ready,” he chuckles in my ear, causing me to giggle. Just as I stop, Jay pushes his finger all the way in.

“Fuck!” I scream at the intrusion. My eyes instantly fill with tears. Issac presses a kiss to my forehead.

“It’ll feel better. Just give him a minute to get you ready,” he says against my lips. “Focus on my cock and hand,” he says as he picks up his speed. His hand grabs a handful of my breast and begins to massage. But then I feel Jay moving his finger in and out of me, then he sides in another. The burning returns and I whimper.

“Relax,” Jay whispers as he rubs my back and continues to push his fingers in and out.

Ever so slowly, the pain and discomfort fade away and pleasure starts to rise. Then the feelings gone. His fingers disappear.

“Hey” Issac says as he grabs my hips to stop me. He raises me up so only the tip of his cock is in my pussy. He leans up and smiles at me. “I love you.”

I smile back. I love you too,” I say and lean down to kiss him. When I do, he bites my lip. My eyes shoot open, that I didn’t even know closed. His eyes are open too, but he’s not looking at me, he’s looking behind me. At Jay and then it happens.

“Ah!” I scream as they both slam into me at the same time. They both groan and stop as they seat themselves in me. Tears are flowing down my face. I’m so full. Too full. I close my eyes and continue to breathe hard.

“Relax babe,” Issac says stroking my hair. I feel a hand come around my hip and reach between Issac and I. Jay pulls me up a little with his other hand, to give him more room. I hiss at every movement we make as his cock is stretching my asshole.

He quickly finds my clit and pinches me. My hips buck, pushing his cock deeper.

“Damn it” Issac groans, and he grips onto my hips like it’s life or death.

The sparks I was feeling before are coming back, and they’re coming fast. Pun intended.

I can feel my walls clamping down on Issac. “That’s it baby, come on his cock,” Jay groans in my ear. My body jumps and I’m pulsing around Issac. As I come on Issac, Jay finishes pushing himself in and begins to slowly thrust in and out. I gasped as Issac started moving again. I can feel them rubbing against the walls deep inside me. Each thrust sends tingles through me. I whimper and moan as they continue to fuck me in a delicious rhythm.

Issac pulls almost all the way out but then slams back in.

“Fucker!” I scream, digging my nails into his shoulders. He grins at me and then pushes my body back up against Jays. Jay wraps his free hand around my throat, pulling me back against him again. They fuck me senseless. Before I know it, I’m coming again.

“I’m coming in this beautiful tight ass,” Jay hisses. I feel his movement stutter as he feels his orgasm peaking. He groans and leans in, leaving a kiss on my neck. I feel his cock explode in me. He continues to thrust, making sure my ass got every drop. He slowly pulls out and then lets me go. Then I’m lifted and thrown down onto the bed by Issac.

“Fuck, you feel so fucking good,” he moans as he slams his swollen cock back in. He starts to pound into me at a quick pace. I feel Jay’s come slowly slipping from my ass.

“Issac!” I scream as he pounds into me harder. It’s starting to hurt. It also feels fucking amazing. My walls tighten around him, and my orgasm takes over.

“I’m coming with you baby,” he groans as he stills. My walls are so tight around him I feel everything. His ropes of come coating my walls. He’s seated so deep but is filling me to the brim.

We’re both breathing heavy. Issac leans up and slowly pulls out of me. I groan at the empty feeling. Once he’s fully out, I can feel some of his come drip out. I go to close my legs, but a hand stops me. As Issac steps away from between my legs, Jay steps in and looks down. His fingers rub my pussy up and down collecting Issac’s come that’s leaked out, and he slowly pushes them into me. I groan and close my eyes. I feel him disappear from between my legs. I go to open my eyes and look, but my body is yanked to the end of the bed and someone’s mouth is on me, sucking on my clit. I look around and see Issac standing in the bathroom watching with a grin. Before I know it, I’m coming on Jay’s tongue.

“I think she’s spent, man,” Jay says as he stands up from between my legs. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. I hear the floorboards creak as Issac approaches me from the side.

“Yeah, she is,” he says as he scoops me up. He turns and starts walking over to the bathroom when he looks over his shoulder at Jay, who’s getting dressed. “Thanks bro,” he grins. I look at Jay, who smiles as he pulls up his boxers.
