Page 16 of Minefield

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“Oops,” he snickered. I widened my eyes at him and huffed.

“Wow,” I laughed. “Using my line against me, I see how you play Mr. Raven.”

“Ooh, say that again,” he smirked, swimming towards me. I splashed him and kicked him away. “Alright, alright,” he surrendered. We floated for a second, staring at each other. Issac cleared his throat. “So, not tryin to be in your shit, but why haven’t you fucked anyone yet?” He asked.

I sighed and turned and swam towards the bank. He soon followed. I crawled and plopped onto the bank. My clothes were soaked and uncomfortable. He giggled, getting out of the water and seeing me trying to adjust myself. He started to undress.

“Woah, Woah, Woah. What are you doing?” I quickly asked, looking away from him.

“Calm down, I’m gonna hang my clothes’ n’ shit over this branch,” he said in just his boxers, throwing his clothes over the branch. He laughed for a second. I laughed.

“Oh,” I thought for a minute. Should I take my clothes off and let them dry? Fuck it. I stood up and stripped my clothes off. Issac starred. He had a smirk when I glanced over at him. I turned around and held my clothes close to my chest, trying not to expose myself. I’m not worried about being naked anymore. I’m just insecure about how I look. Issac looked away and dug into his jeans. “Lose something?” I asked. He pulled out a cigarette pack and opened them.

“Ah fuckkk,” he sighed. He started looking through the pack. “Ah hah!” He yelled while pulling out a cigarette. He grinned at me, holding it up. He dug in his jeans for something else. He pulled out a lighter and tried to light it, but it wouldn’t spark. “Motherfucker,” he said, pulling the cigarette out of his mouth with a defeated look.

Chapter Twelve


I wake up to being thrown around in a tight space. I feel pain shoot through my body every time I bump into something. I hear the crunching of gravel under me and a low hum causing my body to vibrate.

I’m in a car. The trunk of a car, to be specific. The car comes to a stop, and I hear doors open and close. The trunk flies open, and I’m yanked out of the small space and placed on my bare feet. The gravel cut into the sensitive flesh. I look around, taking in my surroundings. It’s dark, but the moon is casting light over shapes that surround me. We’re at a cemetery, headstones flowed over acres of land and a tall dark house sits in the distance. A cool breeze rushes up my legs. I’m still bare from the waist down.

I’m pushed forward and fall to my knees.

“Ah!” I scream in pain as I land on some of the fresh cuts. Instead of waiting for me to stand, I’m dragged by two men. They drag me over the grass, in and out of headstones until they were next to a hole that’s being dug. They let me go and my body thumps against the ground.

“There she is,” I hear Isaiah say as he approaches. He kneels and flips me over onto my back and smiles.

I look around and see a man pointing a pistol at Issacs head as he digs the hole.

“What’s happening?” I ask, looking around.

“It’s time for my brother to bury the one he loves, exactly like I did,” Isaiah answers. My eyes widen. I realize what he means. They are gonna bury me… alive.

I look at Issac. He doesn’t look at me, he just keeps digging. I notice his cheeks are wet and glimmering in the moonlight. I push myself away from Isaiah. He grabs me by the throat and pins me down, cutting my air off.

“Rope,” he says, looking over his shoulders. I dig my nails into his hands, fighting for air. I see over his shoulder as a man approaches with the rope. “Tie her up,” he says, nodding to me. The man holding the rope kneels and begins tying my arms together and Isaiah lets go of my throat.

“Issac!” I shout as I struggle in their grip. I get no response. “Issac!” I cry out one more time. But he continues to dig.

Issac stumbles out of the hole and looks at his brother.

“You know what to do” Isaiah smiles and crosses his arm. Issac’s jaw ticks. He tosses the shovel to the side and walks away. I watch as Issac disappears, then reappears, but this time he’s dragging something. A large wooden box. A coffin. My coffin.

Issac gets to the freshly dug grave and pushes the box in. He takes a deep breath, then finally looks at me. Without breaking eye contact, he walks over to me. He kneels down.

“Issac?” I say, searching his eyes. Tears are pooling and threaten to spill. He says nothing and refuses to look at me. He slides his arms under me and lifts me and starts walking towards the grave.

“Wait! Wait!” I beg Issac. My fear is becoming a reality. “Kill me! Please, I-I can’t”

Tears spill down his cheeks as I continue to beg. He stops walking and falls to his knees. He pulls me close to him and whispers to me.

“I love you. I’m sorry” and with that, he drops me into my final resting place.

Chapter Thirteen

