Page 15 of Minefield

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“The one who killed your parents?”

“Yeah” I answered again. Actually, I have no fucking idea but that’s a story for a different time.

I hear her chains rattle. I look over at her as she tries to sit up. She winces as her legs slowly push her up into a sitting position, then against the wall. Trails of blood follow behind. She tucks her legs under her, trying to hide them with her shirt. I take in her bruised and cut up, bloody body. Guilt drowns my mind.

“I’m so sorry,” I choked out. Her usually glowing blue eyes that are now dimmed and gray shoot in my direction. She shakes her head slowly.

“Stop,” she whispers. She tries to clear her throat. “This isn’t your fault-“

“Yes, it is,”

“Issac” She glares at me, irritation coating her voice. “If this was your fault, trust me. I would’ve fucking told you by now. “

“But I- “

“But nothing!” she says, cutting me off. “You didn’t create that fucking psychotic asshole. Quit taking the blame for his issues. He can’t get over,”

I nod, knowing she doesn’t want to argue right now. She closes her eyes and rests her head against the wall. I watch her as she takes shallow breaths.

I close my eyes and rest my head as well. Scenario after scenario plays through my head on how to get us outta here alive. But so far, I’ve got nothing.

Chapter Eleven


My eyes shoot open as soon as I hear the door lock disengage. I sit up straighter and take a deep breath. Isaiah and his uncle walk in. Both of them have their eyes on me. I tilt my chin up high, showing them I’m no longer afraid.

“What do you want now?” Issac asks.

“Her” Levi answers. Dread crawls up the back of my spine and into my neck, causing my body to quiver in fear.

“For fucking what?” Issac asks as he shoots up from the ground.

“Watch and you’ll find out,” Levi answered with a grin. He kneels in front of me and Isaiah strolls up next to him, unbuckling his belt.

“Isaiah, stop please,” Issac begs. Isaiah replies to Issac but all I hear are mumbles as I keep my attention on their uncle. His hand shoots out, grabbing my ankle chain, yanking it towards him. I yelp and fight against him, kicking and scooting backwards.

“You’re not gonna go anywhere, so I’d give up if I were you,” he says as I’m pulled into his reach. He latches onto my ankle and pulls me under him. I punch and scratch him. Then a pair of hands grabs at my arms, pinning them above my head.

“Bout time. Now where should we start” Levi says as he straddles my waist.

“Get off!” I struggle.

“No can-do flower,” Isaiah says as he leans in. “We have plans,”

Levi grabs my knees and pries them apart. I shut my eyes and scream. Tears stream down my cheeks. I feel hands traveling up and down my body. The sound of belts and zippers sends panic through me. I struggle again, trying anything to make this stop.

I beg and cry. My screams are hoarse as my throat become raw. I feel the weight come down on me and the sensation between my legs. Then the torture begins. My screams become painful whimpers, and my painful whimpers become silence as I try to shut my senses off and go somewhere safe in my mind.

Finally, my brain brings back a memory that’s always stayed with me.


“Del, I’m sorry… I don’t know why I did that,” he apologized. I thought for a second and noticed it had warmed up a bit out here. I grinned and turned around. He looked at me, confused. I smiled and took a few steps toward him, pushing him into the pond. He fell backward, creating a big splash. He resurfaced and ran his hands through his hair.

“Jesus fuck, it’s cold,” he shouted. He looked at me with a slightly pissed face.

“Oops,” I giggled. He laughed for a second, then darted out of the water towards me. I yelped and ran. “Issac! No! Don’t you fucking dare,” I yelled, laughing, trying to get away. He caught up, wrapped his arms around me, and picked me up. I started kicking and wiggling. I couldn’t stop laughing. He started rushing towards the water and then plunging in with me in his arms. He was right. The water is fucking freezing. We both came up gasping for air, whipping the water and our hair out of our faces. “Asshole!” I yelled, splashing Issac. I laughed.
