Page 17 of Minefield

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“Wakey, wakey little bro,” I hear Isaiah whisper in my ear. My body’s immediate reaction was to yank myself away. But I couldn’t move. I opened my eyes and looked around. We were back in the hell they brought Delilah and I to the first time.

“There he is,” Levi said, coming into view. “Jesus, I thought it was gonna take all night for your ass to wake up. Don must have got ya good,” he said as he grabbed a chair and pulled it so it sat in front of me. He plops down in the chair and sighs and slaps his hands together. Isaiah crosses his arm and stands next to him.

“Here’s the deal,” Levi speaks. “You’re gonna tell us EVERYTHING you and the club have done since my absence,”

“Why? You didn’t want anything to do with it,” I snap back.

“I do now,” he grins. “Now fill me in. Isaiah’s told me about a few things. But I want the complete picture. I want to know everything, down to every whore that comes in and spreads their legs.”

“No,” I say, with no hesitation. Levi and Isaiah both raise their eyebrow in surprise. I don’t think they expected that answer.

“Alright, let’s try this again,” he says, getting up from his chair. He saunters up to me and smiles. Then his fist collides with the left side of my jaw, snapping my head to the side. Blood fills my mouth and leaks from the sides of my lips. I spit out some of the blood that’s collected on my tongue. Levi grips my jaw and forces me to look at him.

“If you don’t want another one, I suggest you start talking,” he hisses. He lets go of my face, waiting for me to speak again.

“Dig her up and I’ll tell you whatever you want,” Levi and Isaiah start laughing hysterically.

“It’s been three hours, little bro. There’s no way she is alive. She probably hyperventilated herself to death,” Isaiah said, while looking at his watch.

My heart dropped and my body went cold. “Then it looks like you’re gonna have to torture me to death. You guys fucked up. You’re defiantly not getting jack shit outta me now,” I said, shaking my head, letting the tears spill from my eyes.

They both look at me with wide eyes, realizing they fucked up severely.

“Looks like we’ll just have to find that bitch sister of yours. Maybe you’ll start talking then,” Levi says. I tilt my head back and laugh.

“Yeah, good luck with that. She’s gone. You see, we have a protocol, Doll, Iris and I. That if anything happened to Doll or I, Iris would disappear. She would no longer exist. So good luck finding her.”

“Fuck!” Levi screams. I start laughing, letting the blood and tears slide down my face.

“You have nothing to hold over me. You fucks didn’t think your plan through, did you?” I smile.

“Shut the fuck up!” Levi says while sending his fist into the side of my face again, but this time he doesn’t stop.

Chapter Fourteen


After two hours of searching the clubhouse for the plat map to the property, I’m speeding down the driveway of my childhood home.

“Jesus fuck, can you slow down just a little bit?!” Nathan shouts from the passenger seat. He decided to ride with me after he couldn’t keep up.

“Should’ve stayed in your cruiser,” I hiss, shifting gears. We’re flying by the Reaper Hill graveyard.

“Where are we going?” he asks as he grips the oh shit handle. I sigh, not very proud or happy about where this conversation was about to go.

“My great grandfather was big into human trafficking, so he had an underground cell bunker bullshit built for the people he trafficked. Once my grandfather took over, he shut that shit down and sealed up the cells.” I say, taking a deep breath.

“And you think Isaiah has them there?” Nathan asks.

“I’m 90% sure” I say nodding.

“What’s the other ten?”

“It could be a trick… to throw us off his trail, give him more time for,” I don’t finish my sentence. I just keep speeding down the dirt road, trying to get to my destination.

I bring my car to a stop as we approach the cell’s entrance. As my headlights hit the cell door, I noticed the lock is broken off.

“Shit,” I say, it was a trap. Throwing the car in reverse.
