Page 14 of Minefield

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“You didn’t get clipped, you left on your own,” I corrected him.

“You see, you’re missing a few details. I assume your dear ole dad never told you the whole story.”

“I already know why you left. You wanted the title, and they denied you. Good fucking thing,” I say with a small chuckle.

“Is that what dear ole dad told ya?” he grins. I glare at him and don’t reply. “Of course he never told you.”

“For fuck sakes. Never told me what?”

“That he wasn’t my father,” Isaiah’s voices echoes from behind me. Levi stopped and looked over my shoulder and grins. Everything hits me at once as it clicks in my head.

“You’re…?” I ask Levi.

“Surprise” he laughs. Isaiah walks around me to stand next to his father.

Chapter Ten


“There’s no way. Mom would never,” I argue.

“You didn’t know that mother of yours very well, either. The Ravens are always full of surprises,” Levi says, wiggling his eyebrows. I focus in on Isaiah, seeing he’s wiping his hands off with a cloth.

He tosses the cloth onto my lap. It’s covered in blood, I look at him and try to yank my hands from their bindings.

“What the fuck did you do?!” I shout. He says nothing, just grins.

“I’ll let you two catch up,” Isaiah says as he turns and exits the room.

“Isaiah! What the fuck did you do?” I shout after him. I shake my head, trying to come to terms with everything. “This doesn’t make sense.”

“Sure it does. My son and I were both robbed of our titles!” he shouts.

“The fuck are you talking about? Isaiah has the club now! I’m not fucking president dick head,”

“Eh, doesn’t matter cause you’re still in the picture and you still robbed us of our lives… our loves,”

My eyes widen. I go to speak but Levi cuts me off.

“You did the same thing to him that your father did with me and Cynthia. Maybe not exactly the same, but close enough. He took her and my child away from me.”

“There’s no way mom would cheat on dad,” I state.

“Oh she didn’t cheat. Your father and her took a little break, and she came to me for comfort,” he laughs. “You know what they say. A shoulder to cry on is a dick to ride on.”

I shook my head at a loss for words. Levi sighs.

“I bet you wanna get back to that lovely lady of yours,” he grins, yanking me up from the chair, dragging me back to me and Delilah’s hell.

I’m dragged back into the room by one of Levi’s goons. Delilah’s laying on her back. The first thing I notice are the fresh cuts across her thighs. Blood drips down the sides and puddling under her. The chains are now secured her ankle.

“Del?” I say as I’m pushed towards my own chains. She hums in response. I take a deep breath, thankful she gave me a sign of life.

I’m chained back to my spot. I don’t fight back or even struggle knowing it’s not going to get me anywhere with my brother and uncle. Only make things worse for both of us.

“Who was that?” Delilah muttered.

“My uncle Levi,” I answered as I slide down the wall to sit.
