Page 13 of Minefield

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But Raven also suits us. We’re always looking for the dead.

I look up from the note. Iris is standing, holding a small black velvet box. She takes a deep breath, then opens it. She stares at whatever is in the box, then closes it and turns towards me.

“I think I know where they are.”

Chapter Nine


Delilah lies on her side, with her back towards me. She’s naked from the waist down. Isaiah hasn’t been back since he tortured her earlier. He said before he left she needs to regain her strength, because he loves a struggle.

“Issac?” I hear Delilah whisper. I’ve tried to get as close to her as far as the chains let me. I’m able to reach out and rub her ankle. She jumps at first with my touch, then relaxes.

“Yeah?” I say, rubbing small circles on her ankle.

“I’m sorry you have to see this,” she whispers again. I freeze.

“Don’t you ever say that shit again. This isn’t on you.”

She goes to speak, but the door opens, cutting her off. Neither of us moves.

“Well, isn’t this a cute bonding moment. Too bad I’m about to ruin it,” Isaiah says as he walks in. He strolls over to us, unzipping his pants. Once he’s in front of us, he stares down at me. “Move,” he says, nudging my legs. I ignore him and stay where I am. Isaiah sighs.

“Your actions will only make this worse on her,” I hear a voice I haven’t heard in decades’ say. My eye shoot towards the voice and my heart feels like it stopped.

“Hello nephew,” my uncle smiles.

“How the fuck?” I ask, looking at Isaiah. He rolls his eyes.

“Long story. Now if you don’t mind,” he says as he looks at Delilah. I look between my brother and uncle and wonder when and where everything went wrong in our family. My uncle walks towards the end of my chains that are attached to the wall and begins to pull. I’m dragged towards him and away from Delilah.

“We have some catching up to do,” my uncle says as he yanks me towards him. I look back towards Isaiah. He’s crouching over Delilah, turning her over.

“Please” she begs. He angles her into a position as she cries. I look back towards my uncle just as something crashes against my temple, making everything go black.


“I bet you’re wondering how this is possible,” I hear, as my eyes start to flutter open.

I’m in a different room, sitting in a chair with my hands tied behind my back. As everything comes into focus, I see him. Levi. My uncle that killed my parents. My uncle, who is supposed to be dead, grins at me.

“How?” I ask.

“Great question. I’d love to tell you.” He smiles. “You remember that day little man,” he pauses, waiting for me to react to him, calling me by the nickname he gave me. Once he sees he’s not getting a reaction, he continues. “Don’t ya?” he grins. “Cause I do. I remember boxing my brother and his bitch of a wife in and riddling that car of theirs full of bullets.”

My jaw clenches as he continues his sickening story.

“I remember your mother’s sweet, sweet screams as I mowed her and her husband down. Then I remember her faint whimpers as she watched her oldest son aim a gun and pull the trigger,”

“What?” I ask. My body goes stiff as he gets closer.

“Oh? You don’t remember? I’ll refresh your memory,” he says, clearing his throat.

“Your brother is the one who pulled the trigger on your parents. I was just there as a firing squad.”

“He helped you?!” I yell.

“No, I helped him. He came to me the night your father decided to clip me of my wings. I wanted revenge, and Isaiah had a way to hand it to me on a silver platter. He wanted the club, and I wanted my revenge, so we came up with a plan, and it played out beautifully.”
