Page 7 of Getting Schooled

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“Sandra.” Her name is like a balm on my lips. I take her hand, twining our fingers and meeting her gaze steadily.

She stares at me with eyes gone soft and wondering.

I bring our joined hands to my mouth, brushing a kiss over her knuckles.

A smile curves her mouth, brighter than the sun peeking through the curtains.

My heart swells, overflowing with a joy I never thought I’d find. I seal my promise with a searing kiss, and she returns it.

I could get used to this.

I pull back to look at Sandra, tracing a finger down her cheek. “I should take you home so you can get ready for work.”

“I don’t want to go.” She nuzzles against my hand, playfully whining, her soft lips brushing my palm. “Can’t we call in sick?”

“Tempting.” I chuckle. “But I have a meeting this morning, and you have classes to teach.”

“Responsibility is overrated.”

“Unfortunately, it’s necessary.” I give her pouting lower lip a gentle nip. “But once we’re done for the day, you’re all mine. We’re not leaving this bed until tomorrow morning.”

“Promise?” Her eyes gleam with wicked delight.

“Promise.” I seal my words with a deep, slow kiss that leaves us both breathless.

Reluctantly, we drag ourselves from the warmth of my bed. I watch, mesmerized, as Sandra dresses—the graceful arch of her back as she clasps her bra, the swish of fabric as she pulls on her dress. She catches me looking and smiles, shaking her head.

“If you keep staring at me like that, we really won’t make it to work.”

I grin, unrepentant. “Can’t help it. You’re too hot for your own good.”

She walks over to where I’m sitting on the edge of the bed and straddles my lap, her arms looping around my neck. “You’re pretty easy on the eyes yourself, Coach.”

“Mmmm, I like the sound of that.” I slide my hands up her thick thighs, reveling in the feel of bare skin. “Call me Coach again.” I nibble at her soft skin.

Sandra laughs, pushing at my chest. “Behave! We don’t have time for this.”

“Tonight,” I warn her. “Tonight you’ll be all fucking mine.” I bite her shoulder this time.

She brushes a soft kiss over my mouth and pulls away, leaving me aching for more. “Let’s go, baby.”

I watch her sashay out of the room, desire and tenderness warring within me.

Mine. She’s fucking mine. And I’m never letting go.



Magnus holds my hand, his calloused fingers entwined with mine, as we walk up the winding path to his family home.

“You look stunning,” he says in his deep voice, eyes raking over my curves. I’m wearing a cute emerald wrap-dress.

He growls, pulling me close. “I want to rip that thing off you.”

My cheeks burn with heat. “Behave. We’re having dinner with your parents.”

“Baby, I don’t know if I can.”
