Page 8 of Getting Schooled

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We enter the house, laughter and voices wafting from the dining room.

“Magnus!” His mother envelops him in a hug, then turns to me with a warm smile. “You must be Sandra. We’ve heard so much about you.”

“It’s great to meet you, Mrs. Gunner.”

“Please, call me Marie. Come, dinner’s ready.”

Over a delicious meal of roast chicken and vegetables, conversation flows easily. But the entire time Magnus’s hand rests on my thigh, fingers stroking and squeezing, igniting a slow burn inside me.

I shoot him a warning glance, but he only gives me a fake innocent smile. “So, Sandra,” his father says, “tell us about yourself.”

I launch into the basics, acutely aware of Magnus’s hand inching higher up my leg, his rough palm grazing the crook of my knee.

I clench my thighs together, trying to still his movements, but he persists, his thumb brushing an incandescent path.

“Are you alright, dear?” Marie asks, brows knitting with concern.

“Just a bit warm,” I manage. Under the table, Magnus continues his delicious torture.

I gasp, heat flooding my cheeks. His parents look at each other, then at us, realization dawning in their eyes. Oh My God!

“I think we’ll skip dessert,” Magnus announces in a strained voice, standing abruptly and pulling me up with him.

We make our excuses to his parents, citing an early morning for me and practice for him.

“It was lovely to meet you,” I say hurriedly, mortified. Magnus steers me toward the door, desire burning in his gaze.

“Drive safely!” his parents call after us.

He barely responds.

* * *

Outside, Magnus presses me against the side of the house, mouth claiming mine in a searing kiss.

“You’re so fucking hot,” he growls, fingers pushing the pans of my dress open. I moan into his mouth, hands fisting into his shirt.

“We have to stop,” I pant, even as I rock my hips to meet his.

“I can’t wait until we get home.” He drops to his knees, nudging my legs apart. The first swipe of his tongue over my damp panties sends a jolt through me.

“Magnus!” I cry out as he sucks my clit through the fabric. I vaguely register voices in the distance, footsteps in the nearby street.

“Shh,” he murmurs against my hot, swollen pussy, making me tremble, “or people will hear you.”

He pushes my panties aside, slides two fingers inside my burning core, crooking them as his tongue laps and sucks at my folds. Pleasure builds rapidly, my thighs trembling. I sink my teeth into my lip, struggling to not make a sound as his thick fingers expertly thrust into me.

The footsteps come closer and I freeze in panic, but Magnus only redoubles his efforts, his fingers, lips and tongue moving relentlessly. His name bursts from my lips in a choked sob as I come apart, waves of ecstasy crashing over me. The taste of blood in my mouth from biting my lip.

In the aftermath, chest heaving, I glare down at him. “Somebody was right there!”

He grins up at me, mouth glistening, and rises to his feet.

“Best dessert I’ve ever had.”

I smack his arm, cheeks flaming. “You’re terrible!”

He pulls me close, kissing me deeply. I taste myself on his lips and another tremor runs through me.
