Page 6 of Getting Schooled

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Breathless, we collapse back onto the bed in a tangle of limbs. I pillow my head on his chest, listening to the rapid thump of his heart.

“Amazing,” he says again, pressing a kiss to my hair.

I hum in agreement, utterly sated.



I wake up to sunlight streaming through my curtains.

Memories of last night flood my senses—the taste of Sandra’s skin, her nails raking down my back, the sounds of her pleasure as I thrust inside her.

I turn my head to find her curled up beside me, her long single braids splayed across my pillow. She’s even more beautiful in the light of day. Her full lips parted as she breathes softly.

My cock stirs at the sight of her luscious, naked body tucked against mine. I want nothing more than to wake her with my hands, lips and tongue, and feel her writhing beneath me again.

The urge to claim her as my woman grows stronger with each passing second. I run a hand down her spine, relishing the way she arches into my touch.

“Good morning,” she mumbles, her long, dark eyelashes fluttering open to reveal eyes like melted chocolate.

“Morning, baby.” I brush a stray braid behind her ear. “How you feelin’?”

She smiles shyly. “Great. You?”

“Like the luckiest man alive.” I tickle her, making her giggle. My face buried into the warm, soft crook of her neck. Then I capture her mouth in a searing kiss, my tongue delving between her lips. She moans, tangling her fingers in my hair to pull me closer.

By the time we break apart, we’re both panting. “Last night was incredible,” Sandra whispers.

“It was.” I trail a line of kisses down her throat, pausing to nip at the pulse fluttering there. “And I’m ready to continue where we left off.”

She laughs, the sound like music to my ears.

I roll her beneath me, settling between her thighs. “I’m nowhere near done with you yet, baby.”

Her eyes darken with desire as she pulls me even closer. “Then show me what else you got, Mr Gunner.”

A growl rumbles in my chest at the challenge in her voice.

I capture Sandra’s mouth again, swallowing her moans as I thrust deep. She’s wet and ready for me, her body welcoming mine like it was made for this. Like she was made for me.

Mine. The possessive thought flares, white-hot in my mind, spurring me to move faster. Harder. I want her to feel me for days, a constant reminder of who she belongs to.

She tears her mouth from mine with a gasp. “Magnus!” Her nails rake down my back and I hiss in pleasure-pain, hips pistoning.

“That’s it, baby,” I growl against her neck. “Scream for me. Let me hear how much you fucking love this.”

A high wail fills the room as her inner walls clamp down, rippling along my dick. The sound of my name on her lips pushes me over the edge, pleasure detonating behind my eyes.

I collapse on top of her, both of us trembling from the aftershocks. Sandra strokes my hair, her touch impossibly gentle. “Wow,” she breathes. “Just…wow.”

“I know.” I lift my head to smile down at her, brushing her braids back from her gorgeous face. “You’re amazing.”

Her answering grin is radiant enough to light up the entire town. “So are you.”

“Only for you.” I kiss the tip of her nose.

It’s the truth. What I feel for this woman goes beyond the simple physical. She got under my skin, and I have no intention of letting her go.
