Page 5 of Getting Schooled

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Then he settles between my spread thighs, supporting his weight on his forearms, rocking his hips against mine, one of my legs hooked around his trim waist, the broad head of his big cock nudging at my entrance. Our gazes lock, and he slowly pushes inside me. Inch by torturously amazing inch.

The stretch burns in the most delicious way. I moan, back arching, now both of my legs wrapped around his middle, pulling him impossibly close, and he stills inside me with a hiss.

“So fucking tight,” he grits out between clenched teeth. “You feel incredible, baby.”

He pulls back slowly only to slide home again. Sparks dance across my vision at the sensation.

“Ooohhhh, Magnus!”

“That’s right, baby.” He braces his hands on either side of my head, caging me in. “Scream my fucking name.”

His full lips crash down on mine, swallowing my cries with every powerful thrust. I meet him stroke for stroke, rolling my hips in the most sensual way, pleasure building again.

He feels so fucking good.

Our lips part with wet sounds, our breaths mingling as we gaze into each other’s eyes.

“Look at me,” Magnus orders in a rough voice when my eyes close under the assault of another crashing wave of pleasure. “I want to see you come.”

Heat floods my cheeks, but I keep my eyes open. His stare is intense, predatory, pinning me in place. I’ve never felt so exposed, so vulnerable, and it only intensifies the pleasure threatening to consume me.

“Magnus,” I gasp. “I’m so close, baby. So fucking close…”

“I know, sweetheart.” He captures one of my hands, threading our fingers together and pinning it above my head. “Come for me, now. Let go.”

The knot in my core unwinds with those words. My back bows off the bed as I shatter around him, vision going white. I cry out his name, clenching down on his thick, long cock still thrusting into me.

With a groan, he follows right behind, and I can feel him jerk inside me. His thrusts stutter and still, and he collapses half on top of me, his ragged breath hot against my neck.

We lie there for long moments, the only sound our panting breaths. I love the feel of his hot, heavy body on me. The mingle scents filling the room. Magnus nuzzles against my throat, pressing soft kisses to my skin. So fucking good.

“Incredible,” he rasps out, raising his head to meet my gaze. A slow, satisfied smile curves his lips. “You’re fucking amazing.”

Heat stings my cheeks at the compliment. “So are you,” I say, fingers trailing down his strong back.

His eyes darken, and he captures my mouth in another searing kiss. By the time he pulls back, I’m breathless all over again.

His full lips hitch into a wicked grin making a giggle bubble up in my chest.

After we take turns using his lavish bathroom, I wrap my arms around his neck, my desire simmering to life again. I crush my mouth to Magnus’s, kissing him with abandon. Licking, sucking, biting, savoring the delicious taste of him, while he grabs another condom and dons it. His large hands grip my hips, guiding me as I slide onto his cock, straddling his waist.

We move together, slow and deep. The urgency from before has faded into languid fucking. I roll my hips, grinding against him and dragging a groan from his lips.

He sits up, wrapping his arms around me. I cling to his broad shoulders, peppering kisses over his face and neck. Each thrust sends sparks of bliss through me, the heat in my pussy growing like a wildfire.

“You feel so good,” he murmurs against my skin. His hands slide down to grip my ass, kneading the flesh as he helps lift and lower me. “So fucking tight and wet for me.”

I whine, burying my face into the crook of his neck. The dirty words send a jolt of arousal straight to my core.

One of Mag’s hands leaves my ass, slipping between us to rub at my clit. His eyes glued to my face, eating up every emotion passing through me. I jerk against him with a gasp, inner walls clenching around his cock.

“Mag,” I whimper, teetering on the edge.

“That’s it,” he rasps, circling my clit with the pads of his calloused fingers. “Come for me again, baby. I want to feel you come all over my cock. I want you to fucking squeeze and milk me.”

His words send me tumbling over, pleasure crashing through me like tsunami. I cry out wordlessly, clinging to him, my nails digging into his shoulders as my inner walls spasm and clench.

Magnus follows right behind with a loud groan, his grip on my hips tightening as he grinds deep, thrusting up. Making me shiver at the sensation.
