Page 4 of Getting Schooled

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By the time we arrive at the restaurant, I’m wound tight with need. We’re shown to a secluded corner table, dim lighting and soft music setting the mood.

Magnus holds my chair, his fingers grazing my back. I suppress a shiver as he takes the seat beside mine, thigh pressed against mine.

“See anything you like?” His voice is a low rumble by my ear.

I glance at the menu before meeting his smoldering gaze.

His fingers skim up my leg to toy with the hem of my dress.

Heat pools low in my belly at the promise in his eyes. I set the menu aside, gulping.

Magnus’ eyes darken. His hand slides higher up my thigh, fingers stroking and teasing. I squirm in my seat, breath hitching.

I gasp as his fingers graze the edge of my panties.

He leans in, lips brushing my ear.

I’m in so much fucking trouble.

Our food arrives but neither of us pay it much attention. Magnus feeds me bites between languid kisses that leave me dizzy with desire. His hand never leaves my thigh, strokes becoming bolder until I’m squirming in my seat, trying to rub against his teasing fingers.

“Magnus,” I whimper against his lips. “Please.”

“Please what?” He nips at my jaw, fingers dipping beneath my panties to slide through my wetness.

“Hmm,” I moan unintelligibly.

His eyes darken and he surges to his feet, hauling me up with him. He throws a wad of bills on the table before steering me toward the exit, arm wrapped possessively around my waist. We burst through the restaurant door, crashing into the shadows of a dark alley off the side.

Magnus hitches my leg around his hip, pinning me in place as his mouth plunders mine. The kiss is hungry, famished. All teeth, tongue and lips. Wet and dizzying. I moan, fingers tangling in his thick, soft hair. He rocks against me, the outline of his long, hard dick pressed between the swollen lips of my pussy, and I whimper at the incredible sensation.

“Your place or mine?” He rasps against my lips.

“I don’t care,” I breathe.

He growls and scoops me into his arms, striding toward his waiting car. I nuzzle into his neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses to his throat. He smells of spice and man, intoxicating, and I can’t wait to drown in him.

By the time we reach his house, we’re both frantic with need. Magnus drove like a maniac, hands barely on the wheel and all over me. It’s a miracle we made it in one piece. After lifting me out of the car, he kicks his front door open, toes off his shoes and socks, and carries me straight to his bedroom, laying me out on the bed.

Magnus looms over me, eyes dark and hungry. He pulls the neck of his shirt over his head. His massive shoulders appearing in all their splendor. Then he makes quick work of his jeans and black boxer briefs. He’s fucking magnificent. All thick, hard muscles and golden skin. I catch a few tattoos and scars, but now’s not the time for exploring. I watch in fascination as he pulls a condom from his wallet, tears open the foil with his strong, white teeth, and rolls the latex over his mouthwatering erection. His smoldering eyes never leaving mine.

Magnus prowls up my body like a predator, divesting me of my clothes along the way. My dress barely resists the tug of his strong hands, and the lace of my sexy bra and thong doesn’t make it. Everything gets discarded in a heap by the giant bed. His lips and hands leave a trail of fire in their wake, igniting my skin. By the time he reaches my mouth again, we’re both naked and panting.

He kisses me deeply, tangling our tongues together while his hand slips between my thighs. I gasp into his mouth as two thick fingers slide the length of my slick slit, rubbing my clit in passing, then plunge inside me, stretching and scissoring my spasming pussy. He swallows my moans, pumping his fingers at a skillful pace. The sounds of my whimpers, his hums, and the contact of his thick digits against my wet flesh is driving me insane.

“So wet for me,” Magnus rasps, nipping at my jaw. “You’re going to take my cock so fucking well.”

I whimper, writhing under his ministrations. Then he crooks his fingers, massaging a magic spot, and stars burst behind my eyelids, my pussy flooding his hand with my juices.

“Magnus!” I cry out.

“That’s it, baby. Come for me,” he growls, lips parted against the side of my face.

His thumb rubs circles over my clit and I shatter with a wail, my inner walls clamping down on his fingers. He works me through the aftershocks. Slow and languorous, pulling every single tremor and moan out of my orgasm. Only withdrawing once I go limp against the bed.

I blink up at Magnus’ handsome face through a haze of pleasure. His fingers glisten, and he sucks them into his mouth with a groan. Eyelid heavy, lips kiss-swollen, hair mussed, face flushed. The sight sends a fresh wave of heat through me.

“Fucking delicious,” he purrs.
