Page 3 of Getting Schooled

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I start to move past him, but Magnus touches my arm, a brief brush of heat against my skin that sets my entire body on fire. “Maybe we could continue this conversation sometime? Meet up properly?”

I stare at him, feeling my eyes widen, heart in my throat. Is he… asking me out? Is Magnus freaking Gunner freaking asking ME out?!

His gaze goes inquisitive. “If you’re free, of course.”

“I’d like that.” The words escape before I can stop them.

His gorgeous smile blooms, erasing the last fifteen years in the blink of an eye. Yup, same blinding male beauty. Fuck me.

“Great. Give me your number, I’ll call you.”

He hands me his cell, the brief brush of our fingers sending me into even further overdrive, and I save myself in his contacts, doing my utmost best to control the shake of my hands.

Then, with one final wave, he’s gone, leaving me dazed in the middle of the hallway.

Magnus Gunner is back in my life. He spoke to me. And wants to see me again!

* * *

The next day, I’m sitting at my desk working on my laptop when my phone buzzes with an incoming text. It’s Magnus…

Wanna grab dinner tonight? We could meet at that new place on Ocean.

I stare at the screen, heart pounding. Is this really happening?

Sure, I text back. 7 good for you?

Perfect, he replies instantly. See you then!

I spend the next few hours in a daze, drifting between nerves and giddy excitement. Magnus Gunner asked me out on a date. An image of him on campus flashes through my mind. The memories I’ve been replaying in my head all evening and night yesterday, and all day today. His voice, his eyes, his full, pink lips, the tan of his olive skin, his stature. The scent of his woodsy cologne… He asked me out. Me, the awkward freshman mooning after the star hockey player. If only my younger self could see me now!

* * *

My heart pounds as I check myself in the mirror one more time.

Cute little black dress, nice but comfortable heels, my single braids falling down my back. I feel beautiful. And tonight I need all the confidence I can garner.

A sharp knock rattles my front door. I walk through my house, pulse thrumming, to get the door.

And here he is. Tall, dark and freaking handsome in nice jeans and a dark gray button-down that shows off his bronze skin and muscular stature. His gaze heats up as it rakes over my curves, lingering lazily before meeting my eyes again. A slow, wicked grin spreads across his face. “Hi, gorgeous.”

I feel my cheeks heat. “Hi.”

Magnus steps closer, towering over me, all hard muscle and tall frame. My senses drown in his scent of pine and spice.

I tilt my chin up, our lips a breath apart.

His eyes darken.

He closes the distance and claims my mouth in a searing kiss. My eyes flutter shut as I’m pressed against the hard wall of his chest, lost in the feel of his full lips moving hungrily over mine.

When we break apart, chests heaving, I’m jelly-limbed and aching for more.

Magnus rests his forehead against mine, a smug smile on his face. “Exactly how hungry are you?”

I laugh, drunk on desire. Tonight is going to be fun.

Our banter continues in the car, loaded with innuendo and simmering heat. Every casual touch—his hand on my knee, brushing a braid from my face—sparks fire through my veins.
