Page 15 of Getting Schooled

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“Come for me, baby.” His tongue flicks my clit and pushes me over the edge.

My release pulses through me in shaking waves. I sag against the wall, boneless and sated.

Magnus glances up, eyes gleaming. “Just the appetizer.”

Oh, it’s going to be a long, delicious night.

Magnus stands, pulling me into his arms. Our lips meet in a searing kiss and I taste myself on his tongue.

“You’re insatiable,” I murmur against his mouth.

“Only for you.” He nips my lower lip, desire flickering in his gaze. “Ready for the main course?”

“Starving.” I reach for his belt, fumbling with the buckle.

Magnus bats my hands away. “Patience.” He slides his hands under my skirt again, hooking into my panties. “These have to go.”

The lace tears as he rips them off. My pussy clenches, eager and empty. I need him inside me. Now.

Splaying his hands on my hips, Magnus lifts and pins me to the wall. The hard length of his cock presses against my entrance, not quite in me yet.

“Look at me.” His voice is rough, strained.

I meet his eyes, dark and intense. “Please, Magnus.”

“Please what?” He nudges forward an inch, dragging a whimper from me.

“You,” I gasp. “I want you…inside me. Now…”

Magnus thrusts in with one hard stroke. We cry out together.

For a moment we stay motionless, savoring our connection. Then he starts to move.

Slow, deep strokes that light me up from within. I cling to his massive shoulders, riding the waves of pleasure.

“You feel so good,” Magnus grits out. He shifts his angle, hitting a mysterious spot that makes stars burst behind my eyes. “Come for me again. I want to feel you fucking come on my cock.”

And that’s all it takes. His dirty words. I clench around him as a shattering orgasm crashes through me.

With a groan, Magnus follows. Then he collapses against me, our harsh breaths mingling.

This is a night I will never forget.

“You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

My heart clenches at the reverence in his voice. I reach up to cup his cheek and rest my head on his chest, listening to the strong, steady beat of his heart.

“I don’t want this night to end,” I whisper.

Magnus tightens his arms around me.

Magnus kisses me slow and deep. By the time he lifts his head again, desire has reignited in his eyes.

I laugh, tracing his lower lip with my thumb. “Again?”

He nips at my jaw, his gaze hot. “Insatiable.”

My belly flutters at the possessive growl in his voice. I squirm against him, brushing against the hard length of his erection. We both groan.
