Page 16 of Getting Schooled

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Magnus and I emerge from our private oasis a half hour later, disheveled but sated. My colleagues glance our way, smirking knowingly. Heat rises in my cheeks as I smooth my hair and straighten my dress.

Magnus just grins, pulling me flush against his side.

I smack his chest, fighting a smile. “Behave.”

He grins tenderly before pressing a lingering kiss to the corner of my mouth and leads me toward the banquet tables.

We fill our plates with pasta, seafood, cheeses and fresh bread. Magnus snags us a small table in a corner, his hand resting on my knee beneath the tablecloth.

“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” His gaze rakes over me appreciatively. “I’m the luckiest man alive.”

Warmth blooms in my chest at his words.

His eyes soften. “You bring out the romantic in me.” He nips at my shoulder. “The possessive caveman.” Another playful bite. “And the –”

“Nasty?” I supply helpfully.

Magnus barks out a laugh. “I was going to say ‘passionate lover’ but nasty works, too.” His lips quirk. “Want to get out of here so I can thoroughly corrupt you?”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

My dress is unzipped before the front door closes, his large hands skimming my bare thighs.

“Bed. Now.” Magnus tears his mouth from mine, eyes dark with desire.

I yank at his tie, and shirt buttons, shoving the material off his shoulders.

He sweeps me into his arms, striding toward the bedroom.

I kiss along his jaw, nipping at his earlobe.

Magnus drops me onto the bed, stripping off the rest of his clothes with impatient movements. I wiggle out of my dress and heels, watching him through heavy-lidded eyes.

He’s a vision of masculine perfection - all hard muscle and olive skin dusted with dark hair. His beautiful cock standing proud against his abdomen, its thick head glistening with precum.

I lick my lips, arousal flooding my body. “Come here, handsome.”

Magnus crawls over me, caging me in with his giant body. “I’m gonna wreck you tonight, angel.”

A delicious shiver runs down my spine.

His lips curve and he leans in to murmur in my ear, “you won’t be able to walk or think straight for days.”

I close the distance between us, sealing my mouth over his in a searing kiss.

Magnus kisses me breathless, his big, calloused hands roaming my body with rough urgency. Every brush of his large palms against my skin sets me aflame.

I arch into his touch, nails scraping down the muscled plane of his back. He growls low in his throat, hips grinding against mine in response. The hard length of his erection slides through my slick folds, teasing my clit.

“Magnus,” I gasp.

“Not yet, angel.” His lips move to my neck, sucking into the sensitive skin. “I want to take my time tonight.”

I whimper in protest, writhing beneath him. Need and desire grow hot in my belly, tightening like a spring with every stroke of his hand between my legs.

Magnus slips a finger inside me, crooking it just so. Stars burst behind my eyelids as he massages my g-spot, pushing me closer and closer.

“Come for me, Sandra.” His gravelly command is my undoing.
