Page 14 of Getting Schooled

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My mouth waters.

One taste and I’m lost, devouring her with lips and tongue and teeth until she’s sobbing my name, her thighs trembling around my ears. The world narrows to this space, this moment, the burst of her climax on my tongue, her essence flooding my senses.

All. Fucking. Mine.

I surge up her body, claiming her mouth in a bruising kiss. Her arms wind around my neck, her full hips cradling my aching erection as our tongues dance. She moans into my mouth, the vibration setting my blood on fire.

Breaking the kiss, I brace myself on one arm and slide into her hot, wet, fucking tight pussy. We both groan at the exquisite sensation of joining, of coming home.

No patience left, I set a punishing rhythm, pounding into her softness. Her nails rake down my back and I hiss in mingled pleasure and pain, thrusting deeper. Harder. Her hips rise to meet each stroke, greedy and insatiable.

The tornado in my groin intensifies, ready to spring free. I grab her thigh, hiking it higher, changing the angle until I’m hitting that sweet spot with every drive.

“Yes, God yes, Magnus!” Her inner walls clamp down, rippling along my shaft. “Come with me!”

I tumble over the edge, my climax hitting me like a freight train. I bury myself to the hilt, her name tearing from my throat.

Chest heaving, I collapse half on top of her, too spent to move. She strokes my hair, her heart thundering against my cheek.

I lift my head to meet her gaze, a smug grin curving my lips.

Sandra’s answering smile is slow and feline, a glint of challenge in her warm brown eyes.



My heart pounds as Magnus helps me out of the backseat of his Tesla. My red dress clings to my curves and his gaze follows the hem as it skims my thighs.

“You look stunning.” His voice is a low rumble, stirring heat low in my belly.

I smooth my hands over the silk tie peeking from his jacket. “As do you, Mr. Gunner.”

His lips quirk. “Shall we?” He offers his arm and a jolt sizzles through me at his touch.

We stride into the ballroom, the swell of strings and chatter washing over us. But my focus narrows to Magnus—his scent, his warmth, the flex of muscle beneath my fingers.

“There are too many people here.” His lips brush my ear and I shiver. “I’d rather have you all to myself.”

“We have all night for that.” I squeeze his arm, desire rippling under my skin.

Magnus halts and pins me with a smoldering look. “I want you now, Sandra.”

My breaths shorten as he pulls me into a shadowed alcove. His hands slide to my hips, tugging me against his hardness.

“We can’t—” But my protest dies under the glide of his mouth on my neck.

“I need to taste you.” His voice is rough velvet as his hands hike my skirt. “Feel how wet you are for me.”

I moan, lost to the stroke of his fingers over my lace panties. We really shouldn’t be doing this here, with the entire faculty close by. But I can’t resist Magnus.

He sinks to his knees, nudging my legs wider. “So gorgeous.” His breath feathers over the lace and I shudder.

Then his mouth descends.

All thoughts flee as he licks and sucks me through the lace. My fingers twist in his hair, urging him on as pleasure builds.

The scrape of his teeth makes me gasp.
