Page 13 of Getting Schooled

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“Right.” I pull him into a rough hug, a final goodbye to our youth and the wild days behind us. “Now get your ugly mug out of here.”

Caleb chuckles. “Take care, brother. Happy for you.” With one last handshake, he strides out of my office.

* * *

My phone buzzes, Sandra’s name flashing across the screen. A grin tugs at my lips as I answer, warmth flooding my chest at the sound of her voice.

“How did it go with your friend?” she asks. I mentioned Cal’s promised visit while he was in town, and of course my girl is ever attentive. She knows how much our shared history means to me, the powerful bond of brothers forged in the fires of competition.

“It went great.” I turn my chair to face the window, gazing out at the rolling hills of campus under a sea of golden sunlight.

I close my eyes, picturing her smile. My voice drops to a husky murmur. “As soon as I’m off work, I’m going to show you exactly how much I miss you.”

Sandra laughs. “I’ll be waiting.”

“Be ready,” I warn, a growl edging into my voice. “I plan on worshiping every inch of you until you beg.”

“Mmmm, don’t threaten me with a good time.” Her voice is cut off by a needy little sound that makes my blood burn.

I’m out the door before another minute passes.

* * *

I slam the front door behind me, pulse pounding. Sandra’s house is dark and silent, the air heavy with promise.

“Sandra?” I call out softly, kicking off my shoes. No answer, but I know she’s here, waiting for me.

The stairs creak under my feet as I climb up to the bedroom. My heart leaps at the sight that greets me - Sandra stretched out on the bed, in a tiny lacy thing that deliciously shows off her curves.

She rolls onto her side, giving me a welcoming smile. “You’re late.”

My smirk is devilish as I cross the room in long strides, yanking my shirt over my head. Her hungry gaze follows my every movement as I strip off the rest of my clothes. “And you’re overdressed, baby.”

A throaty laugh. “What are you gonna do about it?”

Challenge accepted.

I pounce, pinning her wrists above her head as I claim her mouth in a fierce kiss. She moans, arching up to press her softness against my hard body. Desire flames through my veins, white-hot and insatiable. I want to touch, taste, take everything she has to give until we’re both spent and sated.

She strains against my hold, her kisses turning greedy, demanding. I tighten my grip, growling a warning. “Patience, little one.”

Her eyes blaze, but she stills beneath me.

A wicked grin tugs at my lips. My Sandra, always pushing. She’ll get what’s coming to her, all right.

Lesson time.

I release her wrists, trailing my hands down to cup her breasts, kneading the soft flesh. She gasps, hips rolling in search of friction. Not yet. I want to see her shatter into a million pieces, and we’ve only just begun.

“Magnus, please…”

“Shh. Trust me, baby, I’ll give you what you need.” I scrape my teeth over one nipple before sucking it deep into my mouth, lavishing the aching bud with my tongue. Her fingers twist in my hair, holding me close as she whimpers in pleasure and frustration.

The sounds go straight to my groin, tightening my sac. But her pleasure comes first. Always. I lavish the same attention on her other breast, teasing and tasting until she’s writhing under me, incoherent pleas spilling from her kiss-swollen lips.

So responsive, so perfect. All fucking mine.

I release her nipple with a wet pop, trailing kisses down her quivering abdomen as I go. Her scent grows headier, muskier, drawing me in like a moth to a flame.
