Page 9 of Dance For Me

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Lena grins and high-fives me. “Thatta girl. Go get him, sis.”

I can do this. I can open my heart to Grizz, step outside my comfort zone. With Lena’s support, anything is possible.

I take a deep breath, steadying myself. The flutter of butterflies in my stomach warring with my trepidation.

“It’s just…what if being with me ruins his image?” I express my deepest fear out loud. “You know how vicious the media can be. What if they dig up dirt on- them?”

Lena’s brow furrows. She takes my hand, her tone gentle but firm. “We can’t let them define our future, Tess.”

I know she’s right. I can’t let our parents’ fuck-ups become mine. This thing with Grizz - it’s a clean slate. Still, old habits die hard. Doubt creeps in, its cold fingers clutching my heart.

“I don’t know if I’m strong enough,” I whisper.

Lena squeezes my hand. “You are. I know you are.”

She’s right. This is my life, my choice. I won’t ruin my chance at happiness because of what-ifs.

I meet Lena’s eyes, resolve flowing through me. “I’m going to do it. I’m going to be with Grizz.” Saying it out loud, joy bubbles up inside me, banishing my doubts.

Lena cheers, pulling me into a hug. As I cling to her, I let the hope and excitement take hold.

* * *

My heart leaps at the sight of Grizz on my doorstep. His eyes are dark and stormy, his jaw clenched. I know why he’s here. The same reason I’ve tossed and turned all night, restless with need.

“I had to see you.” His voice is rough gravel.

My whole body tingles, ignited by his nearness. I ache for his touch, craving the feel of his calloused hands on my skin.

“You’re always in my head, Tessa.” He steps closer, crowding me against the doorframe. “Tell me you want this as much as I do.”

His scent envelops me, woodsy and masculine. I’m drowning in sensation, lost in the intensity of his gaze.

“I can’t stop thinking about you,” I whisper. About your hands, your mouth, your body against mine.

A low growl rumbles in his chest. “That’s all I needed to hear.”

He claims my mouth in a searing kiss, and I melt into him. My hands fist in his shirt, clinging for dear life as he devours me. I’m dizzy and breathless, consumed by the wildfire of passion that ignites whenever we’re together.

Grizz lifts me off my feet, carrying me inside. The door slams behind us. Nothing exists but this moment, this aching need only he can satisfy.

I want to drown in him, in the sweet oblivion of his embrace. To lose myself completely, swept away by the raging storm of desire that threatens to engulf us both.

When his lips leave mine, we’re panting for air. But the hunger in his eyes tells me we’ve only just begun.

“You’re mine now, Tessa,” he rasps, voice thick with possessive heat. “And I’m never letting you go.”

His words brand me, marking my soul in a way I know will never fade.

I don’t want to be free of him. I want to belong to this extraordinary man, heart and body.

“Show me,” I whisper, meeting his smoldering gaze.

Grizz growls, the sound primal and sexy. In one smooth motion he tears my shirt open, buttons popping and scattering across the floor. His hands close over my breasts, kneading and squeezing until I cry out. The ache between my legs becomes a raging inferno. I’m on fire for him, burning inside out with a need too powerful to deny.

“So perfect,” he rasps, bending his head to capture one taut nipple in his mouth. He sucks hard, then drags his teeth over my sensitive flesh. A jolt of pleasure mixed with delicious pain shoots through me.

I gasp, fingers twisting in his hair to hold him close. He lavishes the same attention on my other breast, licking and nibbling until I’m writhing against him.
