Page 8 of Dance For Me

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I fumble with my jeans, freeing my throbbing dick. With one smooth stroke I enter her, swallowing her moan with a searing kiss. I fuck her deep and slow, savoring every slick drag against her velvety walls.

“Faster, Grizz, please,” she begs, nails raking down my back. I drive into her harder, faster, the bathroom echoing with her cries of pleasure and my rough grunts. She meets every push of my hips, taking me deeper each time. I feel her inner muscles fluttering again, her moans rising in pitch.

“Come for me, Tessa,” I growl before biting her lobe. She shatters around me with a scream, pulsing and gripping me tight. The amazing sensation sends me over the edge right after her, ecstasy exploding through me.

We cling together, panting and spent. No matter what comes next, I know one thing is certain - I’m never letting her go again.



I curl up on the sagging couch, pulling a threadbare blanket over my legs. Lena plops down beside me, all youthful energy and messy curls.

“What’s going on with you, Tess?” she asks, eyebrows knitted together. “You’ve been acting weird ever since that night at Club Curve.”

My fingers worry the frayed edges of the blanket. I avoid her searching gaze, staring at the water stains on the ceiling instead. How can I tell her I met him - Grizz Malek, star center for the Pacific Blazers? That when our eyes met across the crowded room, it was like the world stopped?

“It’s nothing,” I mumble.

Lena snorts. “Yeah, right. I know you, sis. Spill.”

I sigh, the words coming out in a torrent. “I met someone, okay? But not just anyone - Grizz Malek.”

Lena’s eyes go wide. “The hockey player? Are you serious?”

I knew she’d recognize the name. My sister doesn’t live under a rock like me.

I nod, biting my lip. My heart fluttering just saying his name.

“That’s amazing, Tess!” Lena grins. “He’s gorgeous. And rich!” She wags her eyebrows.

“Exactly,” I say softly. “He’s this big shot celebrity. And I’m just…me. We’re from completely different worlds.”

Lena grabs my hand, expression earnest. “So what? You’re amazing, Tessa. Any guy would be lucky to be with you.”

I manage a small smile. “You really think so?”

“I know so.” She bumps my shoulder playfully. “Take a chance, sis. I’ve got a good feeling about this one.”

I take a deep breath, picturing his intense eyes, his ridiculously hot body. A spark of excitement ignites within me. Maybe she’s right. Maybe it’s time I stop playing it safe.

“Okay,” I say slowly. “I’ll give it a shot.”

Lena grins and pulls me into a hug. As I sink into her embrace, a tiny flame of hope flickers to life inside me.

I hug Lena back tightly, feeling a swell of gratitude for her unwavering support. As we pull apart, I know my hesitation still lingers.

“It’s just…what if I’m not enough for him?” I say quietly. “His world is so different from ours. The money, the fame. What if I don’t fit in?”

Lena gives me a stern look. “Tessa, listen to me. You are more than enough. More than enough for any man, celebrity or not. Don’t let your doubts make this decision for you.”

I chew on my bottom lip, considering her words. She’s right. I can’t let fear hold me back, can’t let it dim the light of something that could be great.

“He would be lucky to have you,” Lena continues. “So what if he’s some big shot athlete? He’s just a guy. And you’re a smart, loyal, beautiful woman. Don’t sell yourself short.”

I feel my lips curve into a real smile now. Lena always knows exactly what to say. With her in my corner, I feel like I can do anything - even take a chance on someone like Grizz.

“You’re right,” I say, my voice growing stronger. “I deserve to be happy. I’m going to put myself out there. See where this might lead.”
