Page 10 of Dance For Me

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“Please,” I moan, beyond reason or restraint. I need the release only Grizz can give me. The emptiness inside threatening to consume me whole.

“I know exactly what you need, baby.” His hands slide down to cup my generous ass, grinding my hips against the hard length straining beneath his jeans. “I got you.”

His words break the last of my resistance. And I surrender completely to the storm of desire raging between us, trusting Grizz to see me through to the other side.

Nothing will ever be the same after tonight.

I tangle my fingers in his hair and crush my mouth to his, kissing him with a wild abandon that shocks me. But Grizz matches my ferocity, devouring me like a man starved.

His hands roam my body, stroking and squeezing my flesh until my skin feels too tight. When his clever fingers slip between my legs to find my hot, wet, throbbing pussy, I cry out into his mouth.

“So wet for me already,” he growls, stroking my slick folds.

“Yes,” I gasp, rocking my hips to ride his fingers. “Only you, Grizz. Always you.”

With a snarl, he grabs my thighs and lifts me off my feet. I lock my legs around his trim waist, clinging to him as he carries me through the doorway into my bedroom.

Grizz lowers me to the mattress, coming down on top of me. I barely have time to worry about what he must think of our place, of my room. His long, hard, swollen cock is pressed to the softness of my belly, and I whimper at the feel of him so close to where I need him the most.

“Patience,” he says, though his eyes are nearly black with lust. “I’m going to take my time with you tonight. With every inch of your body.”

A delicious shiver rolls through me at his words. “Please,” I breathe, already squirming beneath him in anticipation.

“Oh, I will please you, angel.” Grizz smiles, slow and predatory. “But first, I plan to torment you until you’re mindless. And then I’ll give you everything you’ve been fucking dying for.”

My heart kicks against my ribs. I’m caught between trembling with nerves and aching with lust. Tonight Grizz will take my body and soul, and I have no intention of resisting him.

His lips trail down my neck, teeth grazing my collarbone. I gasp as he cups my breast, rolling my nipple between his fingers until it’s hard and aching.

“So sensitive,” he murmurs. “I could play with these all night.”

“Grizz, please.” I squirm beneath him again, heat pooling low in my belly.

“Not yet, baby.” Another wicked grin. “We just started.”

He kisses his way to my other breast, giving it the same teasing treatment until I’m writhing on the sheets. By the time his mouth closes over my nipple, sucking hard, I’m nearly mindless with horniness.

I fist my hands in his hair, trying to urge him lower. “Grizz…”

“Patience,” he says again, though his own voice is rough with desire. His hands skim down my sides, curving over my hips before sliding between my thighs. I gasp as he parts me, finding me fucking wet and ready.

“So fucking wet,” he groans, dragging a finger through my lower lips. “This all for me?”

“Yes,” I moan, rocking my hips to meet his touch. “Only for you.”

His eyes darken further at my words. “Good girl.”

He slides two fingers inside me without warning, crooking them just right, and stars explode behind my eyes. A broken cry falls from my lips as he starts to move, building a rhythm that has me trembling on the edge within moments.

“Not yet,” he says, withdrawing completely.

I whimper at the loss, so close to release. “Grizz, please…”

“When I’m ready.” His tone leaves no room for argument. “And not a second before.”

I swallow hard, arousal and frustration warring within me. Tonight I belong to him, body and soul, and he means to wring every ounce of pleasure from me he can get.

I grip the sheets until my knuckles feel painful, trying to still my trembling. Grizz’s gaze rakes over me, possessive, predatory.
