Page 5 of Dance For Me

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My hips move faster, harder, as ecstasy builds inside me like a storm. The only sounds are our panting breaths, the slick slide of our bodies, and the creak of the couch beneath us.

Tessa tightens around me, her inner walls fluttering. Her nails bite into my skin, and she shudders, crying out my name as she comes.

The sight and feel of her climax triggers my own. Pleasure explodes through me in blinding waves. I bury my face in her neck, groaning her name as I spill inside her warmth.

After a brief moment of respite I position myself at her entrance, pausing to meet her gaze. Dark eyes glitter with desire. For me.


I thrust home.

Her gasp fills my ears, a sweet, sharp sound that goes straight to my cock.

I pull back and drive into her again, harder this time. She arches into me, nails scoring down my back. The bright bite of pain only adding to my pleasure.

“More,” she pants. “Please, Grizz, more.”

Who am I to deny her?

I set a brutal pace, chasing the oblivion we both crave. Her soft cries urge me on. Higher and higher we climb, pleasure coiling tight, ready to spring free.

“Tessa.” Her name leaves my lips like a prayer. Like a promise. One I fully intend to keep.

I reach between our bodies, thumbing her clit. She shatters around me with a scream, her orgasm triggering my own.

We float in the aftermath, limbs tangled together, chests heaving as we struggle to catch our breath.

I bury my face in her neck, her scent surrounding me, cocooning me in its warmth.

For the first time in longer than I can remember, I feel at peace.

“Stay with me,” she murmurs, fingers threading through my hair.

I don’t answer, just hold her tighter.

Escape found. Oblivion attained.

With Tessa in my arms, I have everything I need.

We stay like that for long minutes, basking in the afterglow.

Finally Tessa stirs, her hands sliding down to cup my face. I lift my head to meet her gaze.

Those beautiful brown eyes are soft with tenderness. “Thank you,” she whispers.

I frown. “For what?”

A faint blush stains her cheeks. She ducks her head, tucking it under my chin.

“For making me feel…special.”

Anger sparks, hot and swift. Who made her feel less than? I’ll fucking end them.

I tighten my arms around her. “You’re perfect,” I growl against her hair. “Never doubt that. Not for a second.”

Her breath hitches. “Grizz—”

“I mean it, Tessa. You’re one of a kind. Any man would be fucking lucky to have you.”
