Page 6 of Dance For Me

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She peers up at me again, eyes shining with tears she refuses to shed. A watery smile curves her lips.

“So you’re planning to keep me, then?”

“Damn straight.” I kiss her, slow and deep, sealing my promise. “You’re mine now, and I don’t share.”

“Good,” she says softly. “Because I don’t plan on sharing you either.”

My chest tightens. Christ, when was the last time anyone wanted me for myself? Really saw me—the man beneath the fame and money?

Tessa does. This woman who walked into my life and turned it upside down.

I don’t know what the hell I did to deserve her, but I’ll spend every day proving I’m worthy.

“We should probably get dressed,” she murmurs, though she makes no move to leave my arms.

I grunt. “A few more minutes.”

She laughs, the sound like music to my ears. I kiss the tip of her nose and settle in to enjoy my prize.

Five minutes with Tessa in my arms. Then the rest of my life.

* * *

For long moments, I can only breathe her in, my heart pounding against hers. Slowly, I lift my head to find her watching me with a soft smile.

“Thank you for this,” she whispers, tracing my lower lip with her thumb.

I frown, catching her hand in mine. “For what?”

“For making me feel beautiful…and wanted. It’s been a long time since anyone has. Stay with me tonight?” she asks against my mouth.

I pull back to meet her gaze, seeing the vulnerability in her eyes. After what we just shared, how can I deny her?

“Tonight and every night after, if you’ll have me.”

Her answering smile is brighter than any championship trophy.

“I will.”

* * *

The pulsing lights and pounding music fade into the background as I see her across the crowded club. Tessa. Even in this sea of half-naked bodies gyrating on the dance floor, she stands out. Her dark hair cascades over her shoulders, and her beautiful eyes meet mine, making my heart skip a beat. I haven’t stopped thinking about her since last night. I crave her, need her.

Pushing through the crowd, I make my way towards Tessa. People recognize me, slapping me on the back, congratulating me on our championship win. I nod absently, focused only on getting to her. She looks unsure, nervous even. I wonder if she’ll reject me, tell me we were a fling, a one-time thing. The thought makes my chest tighten.

“Tessa,” I say breathlessly, taking her hand. Her skin is soft and warm against mine.

“Grizz,” she whispers. “I didn’t think I’d see you again.”

“I had to see you again.” I lean in close so she can hear me over the music, inhaling her sweet floral scent. “Come.”

She hesitates, biting her lip. I brush my thumb over her knuckles, willing her to say yes. She nods and lets me lead her through the crowd.

Tessa follows me through the pulsing club, her hand clasped in mine. I find an empty VIP lounge and usher her inside, closing the door to dull the throbbing music.

“I’m so glad you came back,” I say, pulling her into my arms. She melts against me, her soft body fitting perfectly into mine like two puzzle pieces.

“I’ve missed you,” she murmurs against my chest.
