Page 4 of Dance For Me

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“Grizz.” A raspy whisper.

My fingers skim down her neck to trace the neckline of her dress. Tessa shivers, arching into my touch.

“You’re so beautiful,” I whisper against her mouth. She’s the most stunning thing I’ve ever seen. From her glossy brown hair to her curvy hips and long, shapely legs, she’s perfection personified.

“And you’re overdressed,” she returns with a saucy smile.

I grin. “Is that so?”

Her hands go to my belt, deftly undoing the buckle. “Way overdressed.”

A surge of heat races through me as she pops the button on my slacks and eases down the zipper. She slips her hand inside, curling her fingers around my hardening cock. I suck in a sharp breath, my hips jerking at the sensation.

“Tessa.” Her name comes out rough and strained.

“I want you,” she says, gazing up at me through half-lidded eyes. “Here. Now.”

That’s all it takes.

I crush her to me. Our mouths collide, tongues tangling. She tastes sweet, so sweet. Like the forbidden fruit I’ve hungered for. Her hands fist in my hair, nails scraping my scalp. I groan.

It’s not enough. I need to feel her skin on mine.

My fingers shake as I rip her dress down her body. It pools at her feet, a puddle of shimmery fabric.

Christ, she’s perfect. Round tits, narrow waist, hips made for my big hands to grip.

I scoop her into my arms and tumble us onto a near velvet couch.

“Please,” she breathes.

I don’t need to be told twice.

My clothes hit the floor. I blanket her body with mine. So soft. So warm.

Our breaths come fast and hard. Heartbeats pounding out a rhythm as primal as the beat of the music beyond these walls.

I grip her hips, grinding against her as she arches into me with a soft moan.

“Grizz, please…”

The plea in her voice makes me ache. I lift my head to look at her, at the flush staining her cheeks and the way her chest rises and falls rapidly.

“What do you want, Tessa?” I rasp. “Tell me.”

A faint blush colors her skin, but her gaze doesn’t waver from mine.

“I want you inside me.”

The words shoot straight to my groin. With a growl, I claim her mouth in a searing kiss and thrust into her welcoming heat.

Tessa cries out, her nails digging into my back as I fill her. The sensation is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. Hot, slick velvet grips me, stroking my every ridge and groove.

I pull back slowly, watching her face, before pushing deep once more. Her lips part on a gasp, eyes fluttering closed.

“Look at me,” I demand softly. I need to see the pleasure in her eyes.

Her lids lift, meeting my gaze. The trust and desire I find there nearly undo me.
