Page 3 of Dance For Me

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Tess lets out little gasps of pleasure, making me wonder what she will sound like when we fuck.

“There… there are private rooms.”

“Good… great,” I mumble between swipes of my tongue over her deliciously tasting skin. “Here.” I pull a wad of cash from my pocket, handing it to Tessa.

She shakes her head, both her hands pushing mine away, laughing softly as if to say I’m crazy. But there’s a flash of something passing through her beautiful eyes. It’s quick but I catch it. Is it sadness? Before I can say a word about it, Tessa frames my face with her elegant fingers and presses a deep, soft kiss to my lips, making me vibrate with desire and warmth.



I detach my mouth from Grizz’s with difficulty and stand, holding out a hand for him to take. He engulfs my fingers into his giant palm and follows as I part through the crowd.

‘Grizz’ I wonder what kind of name that is. Probably a nickname. I get it, you don’t give your real name to some stranger you meet at a strip club.

What we feel is insane. Amazingly so. But we don’t know each other and he’s clearly some sort of celebrity. God, the stack of bills he handed me is proof enough. That money could have gone a long way to help with my situation. But there was now way for me accept it. Not when my entire body vibrates with need and want for him. Not when all I can do is answer the siren’s call of all he is, and forget all about reality. Just for tonight. Just this one time. Tomorrow I can go back to being the pathetic loser life made me. The daughter of two junkies, fighting to keep herself and her baby sister safe. A girl who’s just trying to build a decent life. But tonight? Tonight I’m a beautiful, desirable woman who caught the eye of the most magnificent man in the world. Tonight is mine.

I’ve never felt like this in all my twenty-five years on earth. For anyone. It’s true, I’ve had little time for fun, especially romance. There have been a few guys, but nothing ever compared to this maelstrom, this tsunami of feelings and sensations that took over my heart, soul, and body.

Fuck, is this even real? Am I dreaming? Maybe I’m tucked in bed, in some sort of coma induced by my parents’ horrid behavior. Too traumatized to face reality anymore…

No, I know this is real. A dream could never mimic the sensation of Grizz’s hands on my body, his breath fanning my skin, his full lips, talented mouth… the taste of him. His scent. Fuck.

I know what both Sam and Lenny would tell me. “Fucking live your life!” And that’s exactly what I plan on doing tonight. Fuck tomorrow, it always comes knocking anyway. I don’t ever take anything for myself. I never indulge. Well, if there’s one night, one man who will change that, it’s tonight, with this one. This giant, who stands half a foot above my head. When I’m wearing fucking heels! I’m six feet tall. And usually I’m not only the tallest woman, but the tallest person in any room. Men whether see me as a freak, or as a challenge they think they have to best. I rarely feel feminine. More like an object of curiosity. But in this man’s arms? I feel like the most beautiful, delicate, desirable woman on the planet. We fit so beautifully. His tall, large, strong body and my soft curves. Fuck, I felt like I was melting into his hardness. Dissolving in his heat. Turning into a puddle. Dizzy with his scent, taste, and the feel of him.

* * *

I guide us to the back of the club, where the entire wall is lined with closed doors. The private rooms. Sameera told me that whatever happens here is between the dancers and their client. There are cameras recording the comings and goings, as well as a panic button inside each room. But everything behind these closed doors is exclusively private. And that’s what we want, what I need. A place where I can give in to this unexplainable hunger for a man I never met before tonight. And let him satisfy his own ravenousness. We’re like two moths caught in the trap of a mesmerizing light. We cannot escape. At least not until we’ve fed this hunger.



The beat of the music thrums in my veins as I drag Tessa down the dark hallway.

I need to be alone with her. Now.

My hands grip her waist, fingers digging into soft flesh. Her scent—vanilla and spice—intoxicates me.

Closer. Closer.

The room is empty. Dim light glints off mirrored walls. A plush couch beckons.


I slam the door, twist the lock.

Our ragged breathing.

The warmth of Tessa’s body pressed to mine.

Everything else fades away. In this room, it’s just her and me.

I cup her face, tilting it up to mine. Her lips part, an invitation I eagerly accept. Our kiss is hungry, devouring. She tastes of pure, unadulterated sin.

Tessa’s eyes shine, her lips curve. She wants this as much as I do.

My heart pounds. Blood rushes south. I’m hard for her already.
