Page 2 of Dance For Me

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I’m making my way through the crowd, throwing fake confident smiles this way and that when I feel a huge paw wrap itself around my wrist. Its hold is firm but gentle. When I lower my gaze in the direction the powerful hand came from, I drown in a pool of hot, melted chocolate. Lord Have mercy. The man, no, the giant holding me is freaking gorgeous. In a rough type of way. Face all rugged angles, deep brown expressive eyes, carved jawline and cheekbones, and a full, sculpted mouth to fucking die for. Jesus, who is this guy? I know nothing about hockey. I don’t recognize any of these men. But the aura of power and the alpha vibes emanating from this one tell me he’s freaking head of the pack. Top of the food chain. Probably used to getting what he wants. And by the way his chocolate eyes travel down my body, there is no doubt what he wants to order from the menu tonight. Holy shit, I’m screwed.



“Hi,” I rasp out through my mostly clogged throat.

I’m knocked on my ass. Done for. The vision of an angel will fucking do that to you. Fuck, she’s gorgeous. More than anyone else here tonight. Or anywhere else. Ever.

I’m Toby fucking Malek. The motherfucking Grizzly. I have more money than I know what to do with. Got three championship rings under my belt. My family is hockey royalty. From my grandfather, who was the first in our family to move to Canada from Eastern Europe, to my dad, who continued his legacy in the U.S. with my siblings and me. We fucking own the ice. Work hard, fucking crush it, rinse and repeat. Nights like this one, when my team celebrates another championship win, mean nothing to me. I usually show my face then bounce. There’s too much going on at these parties for my liking. Too many puck bunnies. Girls with no shame and even less appeal as far as I’m concerned. Too much booze and illegal shit getting passed around. This is not for me. And choosing a strip-club of all places? I don’t fucking care if this place is high end. The entire night -having to dress fancy for this shit, simply fucking being here- was fucking pissing me off. Till I saw her…

She seems close to six feet tall, with fucking curves for fucking days, gorgeous brown skin, dark hair set in loose curls that fall to her shoulders. She’s wearing a shimmery, dark pink dress that stops mid-thigh, making my hands itch and my mouth water for a grab, a taste. It hugs her full tits, incurved waist, round hips, and juicy ass. Leaving her shoulders bare and revealing just enough cleavage to drive me fucking wild. I want to rip the fabric and palm her full tits. I want to remove my suit jacket and cover her with it. Hide her perfection from my teammates’ ogling. Fuck!

She’s fucking beautiful.With large, almond-shaped eyes, a cute nose, and lips I want to trace the perfect shape of with my tongue. I don’t know who the fuck this gorgeous amazon is, but she’s fucking mine.

From the second my eyes catch sight of her, I’m stuck, glued to the couch where I was lounging. I’m so fucking lucky she walks by me. Because before she passes me, my hand instinctively reaches and catches her wrist. Shit, her skin is as soft as butter. And when her eyes lower to take me in, her breath catches and her pupils dilate. Yeah, baby. All yours.

She finally replies with a breathy, “hi.”

I can barely put two words together, so I gently but firmly pull her to come sit on my lap.

My girl complies, blinking into my eyes like she’s blinded by the sun. Same here, baby girl.

For a moment, we just sit like that. With one of my hands loosely wrapped around her wrist, and my other arm circling her waist. Feeling the weight of her on my thighs is driving me insane. She’s all thick and soft, and she smells so fucking good. A light and floral scent, mixed with a hint of mesmerizing feminine musk. I’m fucking done for.

Her ass is big and juicy, her thighs thick, her breasts round and tempting, and her stomach soft. I want to feel how soft to the touch her hair would be, so I bury my face into the loose curls and take a deep inhale. Fuck! My dick is as hard as steel. There’s no way she can’t feel the rigid pole poking into her plump ass. When I run the tip of my nose along the soft skin of her jaw, my girl lets out a long sigh. It’s like an exhale of mixed relief and pleasure. Like she, too, has been waiting for us for eternity. I inhale deeply and start peppering her soft skin with feather-light kisses. Both my hands now circling her waist, digging into her full curves, pulling her into my hard muscles, reveling in the feel of her. Her amazing scent.

I finally murmur against her skin, “fuck, baby… who are you?”

“I’m… I’m… I work here… for a few nights,” she finally manages.

“Yeah?” I ask with amusement, a smirk pulling up one side of my mouth. She’s as fucking shaken as I am. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”

“I’m… I’m Tessa.”

I repeat, with my face still pressed to hers, “Tessa. That’s a fucking beautiful name. For the most beautiful girl.”

I watch with fascination as her full lips stretch into a soft, teasing smile.

“Most beautiful girl? Here? I don’t think so, handsome. You haven’t been paying attention to what’s happening on stage,” she teases, her own hands lifting to cup the side of my face. The pads of her thumbs running over my short beard.

It’s like we’re both in a trance. Unable to resist touching each other. And when Tessa leans in to bury her nose in the crook of my neck, I know she’s feeling the same intoxicating appeal. When she inhales, taking a lung-full of my scent, I feel a roar of possessiveness and triumph rumble in my chest. She fucking craves me, too. My big hands tighten on her, the tips of my thick fingers digging into the full flesh of her round hips. Tessa lets out a throaty gasp and I swallow it, pressing my lips to her parted mouth. And fuck if she’s not the best taste I’ve ever had in my life. Sweet and soft, and heady. Fucking intoxicating. I take a deep swipe with my mouth. Fucking loving the way she feels, her flavor, the smell of her. She’s fucking perfect. Goddamn mine.

Her hands curl at the back of my neck, pulling me closer, holding on to me like a lifeline. I will fucking die soon if I don’t undress this woman, fill my hands with her generous curves, run my mouth all over her magnificent body.

I detach our mouths, resting my forehead to hers. Our breathing is heavy, filling the small space between us like nothing else exists. Not even the loud music and chatter of the club. I stare at her kiss-swollen lips, look deep into her gorgeous eyes.

“Tessa, I’m Grizz. I fucking want you. And I think you want me too. How about we find somewhere private?”

That seems to startle her, and she shakes her head, eyes growing wide.

“Oh My God, what am I doing?”

In her panic, she tries standing, but I don’t let her. Holding her firmly in place, I squeeze her soft hips and she lets out another moan.

“Shhh baby, you’re fine. We’re fine. I know you feel it, too.” I coo into her ear before pressing a kiss to her lobe. “I wanna see you and touch you. And you want the same. Please?” I finish, running my mouth over her collarbone.
