Page 42 of Awaiting

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God, she was so cute when she laughed.

“Hey, Alice and Nora are going to St.Rais. We’ve been invited.”

“To St. Rais?”

“Yes, to the hot springs. Have you been?”

“No, I haven’t.”

“We should go,” Alex said.

“Oh, I don’t think I can. I’ve got so much work to do here, and I’m still keeping an eye on things back home. Plus, my–”

“Bex, you’re not here all that long. You shouldn’t be working the whole time. Come with us.” Alex stopped walking and turned to Bexley, who did the same. “Come withme.”

“Don’t you get into the hot springs? I don’t have a suit here. It’s not exactly bathing-suit weather.”

“I am certain we can solve that problem. When we do, will you go?”

Bexley laughed again and said, “Okay. Fine. I do have to check some email while I’m there, though.”

“So, I should plan to tell Elizabeth to make sure the internet doesn’t work. Got it.”

“Hey!” Bexley said while laughing.


“What is this about St.Rais?” Bexley asked Alice the following day.

“The country?”

“About us going there,” Bexley clarified.

“Oh, yeah. Nora and I are leaving Thursday. We have some work to do there before we can earn our fun weekend in the springs.”

“You’re bringing the twins to hot springs?”

“They will be in the cabin with the nanny. I’ve made sure not to ask you or Alex to babysit so you two could enjoy your time there, too.” She smiled at Bexley.

“I couldn’t get Tor to go down for his nap, so I brought him in here,” Nora announced, walking into Alice’s office. “Can he work with Mom for a bit while his other mother goes back to the office?” She walked around the desk and gave Alice a kiss.

“Sure. Hi, baby,” she said to Tor. “And hi, baby,” she said again, looking back up at Nora this time. “You really have to go back to the office?”

Nora put Tor in the playpen by the desk and said, “Yes. I’m trying to get everything wrapped up before we leave for St.Rais.”

“Someone wants to make sure she finishes things at work before we leave for the weekend.” Alice winked at her wife.

“I do. I want to enjoy my time with my beautiful wife and our friends.” Nora leaned down and kissed Tor on the head. “One day, little man, you will want to take someone to the hot springs. When you do, you will treat them with respect. Understood?”

Bexley and Alice laughed quietly, and then Bexley added, “I guess it’s never too early to start all that.”

“She’s determined to raise a gentleman,” Alice replied.

“Yes, I am.” Nora leaned down and kissed Alice again. “I’ll see you later.”

“Love you.”

“I love you, too,” Nora told her. “Bye, Bex.”

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